
Wednesday 24 April 2013


I'm seriously BORED!! 

No Wi-Fi is already that bad, STUDIES?? 

So i decided to entertain myself for the first time. I know its stupid but, I can at least
laugh at how stupid I look :p And its too paiseh to put this up on Instagram,
UGLY!! My brothers would puke and send me warning letter XD
 Here at least no one sees :p Hopefully..

The minute it reaches 12am

I actually learnt this from my dear friend Deriss. Hahahaha!! Yeap! I always see her posting pictures on Wechat, so i asked her, she say got nothing to do so she entertained herself.
Plus no one sees it at this time, so who cares XD 

I really hate accounts but I think i'm starting to love it. I guess :p

I guess my new room is very good, in the sense that I don't get to see sun or light. The source of light comes from the florescent light in my room :( How sad. I don't even know if its morning or night, HAVE to look at my phone. Its cooling tho, natural air and the funniest part is my window is 
actually an air way, how can wind travel downwards? Science ;) 


Took me 1 hr plus just to sign documents for checkout. 

Thank God I packed everything two days earlier and woke up at 730 to bring everything downstairs. Well, Thanks to Lai Ping and also Deriss' "friend" (Mr. Volkswagen) who helped. 
Was so scared that I scratched that car, but he was very funny!! Before he came in and carried this heavy bag full of books he asked " Got anyone ah? Like girls cause don't want to be awkward"
I mean, who in Kampar would every say that?!?! 

If there is, they wouldn't just walk in my house like its none of their business and not even shy about it (FYI, my house is only for girls). I respect him alot, uncle XD  

My pity little window :p
Someone climbed down once and broke in. Hopefully not this time 

I gotta say, Manchester houses are like houses that are ready to be taken down. Its the first to be built, which means 10yrs of its "loyal" existence. Even my bed frame has to be replaced. 

But this uncles said that
 "it just need a plank wood. You wont fall. And about the fan, it wont hit you, so don't worry. Oh your drawer, see ahhh BAAMM, can close already what, just all 3 can't come at the same time. Your wall crack ah, let me paint a bit, you won't even realize its there" 

DANISH HOUSE AHHH!!! I'm paying for all these lazy services?? Seriously, he just clammed my drawer and still cannot close. That paint, cause me to sneeze for hours 
cause it smelled like expired paint + droppings 
and i'm sleeping next to it.

Oh well, out of words. Mind becoming slow. I'm actually hungry :( But Milo shall keep me awake despite its sugar level (contributes to fat) cause I tried Coffee (to stay awake at deriss' place for assignment) and I suffered the whole night.

People have after effect right after they drink but mine is after 6hrs. How slow can my stomach be?
Maybe its because I mixed two kinds of coffee together, pure black coffee (tasted worst than chinese herbs) and Genesis' 3 in one white coffee. 

I might follow my elder brother's way of studying when its 28th, drinking 3 cans of coffee a day to stay awake, cause i'm having back to back papers :( The sad part is mom ask  me to follow,
 I'll follow but do it my way ;) Not that stupid.Have you met My best friend??
 He's called SLEEP.

I'll be super hyper without sleep. Ask Deriss and Gen, they experienced it and was also enjoying it
because I was talking nonsense :p

Good night or should I say good morning :)

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from Me ~~