
Sunday 16 February 2014

The Land of Sabah

I really thank God for this trip. My family and I have been talking about taking the aeroplane "overseas". Haha!! Finally we did, it was a near by holiday but worth it.

While I was one the plane I really thought "Wow, how in the world did God made the sky so big that even many many feet above ground, there's still more on top". Layer after layer.

After landing we were so tired, mentally because we didn't sleep the whole night. Our flight was 630am, and we have to be there by 4am. Probably it was our first time as a whole family. We walked around our hotel, which was like petaling street.

For our dinner during the first night was *drum roll* KFC!!! Not really a sabah cuisine but we couldn't find any chinese food or sabah food and we only saw familiar food (MCD, Pizza, KFC). And that was when we signed up for island hopping :) And we manage to go on parachuting, so much fun being the first among 3 couples. With buffet lunch. Woohoo~~ 2nd day

That night we had our Seafood :) Yummy!! 8 dishes for Rm300+. We ate at Welcome seafood restaurant. 

The next morning we drove up to Gunung Kinabalu. We stayed a Celynn Hotel, with mountain view, it was so cold and the view was great. Beautiful.

The next day we came back to the town, we visited monsopiad, hot spring (climbed up for canopy walk), turnover house and search for more chinese food but our luck wasn't there. hehe. We had malay food at a mamak stall. We stayed next to a shopping mall, so it was easy for us to do our activities. Everything was there.

Yeap, that was basically what happened during my chinese new year. Really Thank God for tha wonderful trip and experience as a family. We never thought we could be on the plane heading to somewhere together as the flight ticket are always expensive. Memorable and Great trip to Sabah ;) Hope you guys had a great one.

Simple family reunion with my 3rd aunty's family was just another precious moment during CNY. Having dinner with My God mother, God Father and God brother, not forgetting his wife :) Newly wed couple. They're always there for me. Wing Choong koko always listens to my boring stories. Glad that we close cousins had a yumcha session before i came back to kampar.