
Monday 13 August 2012

Building Trust

Building + Trust

Its not easy to build trust especially when a person lied to you like a MILLION time, 
Okay, maybe i'm exaggerating but yea, SEVERAL times and they added
the word "I don't know if you believe me but i don't admit
that i said that".
In other words, its like swearing that they didn't and we did not trust them and it hurts them.

Goodness Gracious!!! It hurts us more when you come back after an hour or two 
just to say "opps, i guess i did say that but you can't blame me"  OR 
"I didn't mean it that way" OR!!!! "you must be sleeping, you look tired".

GOSH!!! Its in the morning, how on earth can you say I'm sleeping?? 
Its either you're a bad lier, pushing it to others or you're trying to change the subject.
Do you have friends like that?
Does it only happens to girls?? 

Trust isn't easily gained, but its hard to gain TRUST.
I might be easily influenced when that person change to be good but some how
that pinch or a hole is already there. 
Then again, I'm the one who has to do this

This is what it's called "BUILDING TRUST"

Yup, Building trust. Its not easy though, Its not something that you can just "SNAP" your finger
and then "BOOM!!" it's done, you guys are friends back.

Even like today one of my buds kinda hid something from me and me scolding her wasn't really
nice or something i should go "HURRAH!!" for. Its very hard to tell
a person that they are wrong, especially those who 
thinks that they're "open-minded"
Wrong thing to do when you have a friend like that :p

Until the end of our conversation i realize i could change her way of thinking, neither can i tell her off.
I decided to just listen and just be a friend. She's getting more and more scary
Her emotions, doings, words, are all inconsistent because she's unpredictable.
Once, she said i abandoned and kept shooting her with words because I was wrong and it was MY problem.

I never told her the real problem doesn't mean i must be the cost of everything.
One thing that she said really hurts me and told me that she's not changing was this:
"I told JH about the was you treated me but he supported you and said that i was sensitive, but now i know
it wasn't be, it was you". Take note that, JH is her BF.

Sometimes i feel like I'm like a punching bag for her or even some tree with hole.
where she can just burst when ever she wants and then
when problem strikes, SARA!!! is the
problem or SARA help me. I don't do these kind of things but i do cause she's my friend.
Doing things without asking for a return sometimes means sacrificing 
maybe a little bit of pain and tears,
It would be a nice thing to smile at when one day, you look back, and see the difference in a person,
and was all because you have put in effort and tears to help her or him to be a better person.
What a great JOY :)
Of course, we can't change people only GOD can. 

I'm leaving these things behind, waiting for GOD to be the bridge and solution to things,
its out of my control and I think I might spoil it if I'm
gonna interfere. 

I really hope and pray that this friend of mine, is able to find who she truly is, changes for the better.
Not forgetting that others are just as important not only those who has
background stories. Love one another equally.

I trust in this, because its EVERLASTING. Through HIM, miracles and wonders happens,
the impossible becomes possible to those who believe.
Blessing you with a word if you face
something like me :)

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

God bless
~~ Loves from me :) ~~

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