
Sunday 12 August 2012



I was asked to write a blog and honestly I didn't see the importance of writing one, since I'm not much of a writer or some person with GOOD English.
There are some reasons why i started writing:
1. Privacy
2. Way of showing my feelings or thoughts
3. ( can't think of any YET)

I guess mainly was because lately I've been facing lots and lots of what we all call "friend" problems. It always happens when its time for assignments or when one is jealous. 

These are some of those who are my friends

This is another picture of us
I really enjoy being with them, all the laughter and crazy talk we can get in to at times.
 BUT *a big one uh?? :) Everyone is imperfect though *
We're in a journey to find more about ourselves, studies, relationships (not me of course :p) and our future.
That's all for this time :) 
P/s: Dejavu. Its like I've seen this part of my blog before :)

God Bless! 
Loves from me :) 

Can you see what its written? Its taken from the clouds in Kampar.
He's just awesome when He does things :)

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