
Tuesday 6 November 2012

Clash between Early morning stars and Unwakeable morning

1. Yumcha + Year on memories at BB court

We'll start with this 1st. I went for a drink with my friends after their moral discussion for today's presentation. Was planning to and watch them since I have two groups to support, some how that evening, Just as I sat down on my chair a call came in from HER. All she said was "where are you, free? Okay mvn." Just like that, in few seconds she just said that and hang up. I didn't know what to say, so i asked her bf since he was there and he answered "i replied her already". I was thinking, why this two answer and question doesn't make sense. So I decided to text her to see if she's okay. Then she didn't reply me but she was messaging her bf. So I guess i should not wish for a reply. 

As I was walking back, she replied saying "Just needed someone to talk to". But I decided to sleep and wake up early for tomorrows "show" :) Well, when I asked her if she till needed someone to talk to she just replied "I go to the field and sit". FYI, that basketball field is dark an scary in a way, though there are people there. She's alone and i know that her bf will not be there since he had to help another group with their presentation video (pity him, 4am also haven't ready). So I walked with her around the last row of manchester houses, to the guard house, straight to beijing houses and sat there by the lake as she talk. It was seriously cold and honestly i wasn't really paying attention because i kept looking around to see if there are weird people around and it was so DARK (i hate dark places and she just has to walk there), i can't even think when she ask me questions. 

Part of the thing that she say sounds logic to me and I have my own opinion. Never had I been in a relationship so when things like that happened, I really don't know how to answer, like Lawrence say "its easy to say but when you're in our position, it would be different". It scares me honestly, because I really don't want to be like that and cause trouble. That night what both of them said really had me thinking  are things really that bad, most of the time when I was talking to Lawrence I could understand what he feels and kinda supported what he said. But I realize that I support guys opinion most of the time, maybe I talk to them too much, I don't know. Joey sort of shoot me with a question, how do I put it?? Errmm... Forget it, i don't know how to say :p because they are a bit every where and I can't combine them. When I listen to 2 girls talk that night, i feel bad for them, Sorry la, CK or HS if you're reading this. Boys can be very cold and TOO rational at times la, seriously, I understand your part, but i think as a girls, they needed people like their bf to at least spend time with them. I also realize one thing, boys definition of BF and GF is different with girls. I could be wrong. Like Finance guys always plays basketball, and its quite frequent, and the time they spent together is more than with their gf or housemates. So to Joey, her bf spends to much time with them, and lesser time with her. Its getting lesser and lesser as day pass. HAIZZZZZZZ~~~~ NO COMMENT, COZ I DON'T FIND IT A PROBLEM.    

Since she talk so much about wanting to be part of her bf's group, I told her to start talking to those girls, they are very open towards her but she wanted her bf to say "yu han you wan to go out with us?" . I feel like skipping this whole part. ZOOOOMMMM~~~ SKIPPED!!!

Last night's stars was really nice, it like blue sparkling diamonds in the sky. I wanted to do that for so long!! I just bring me back to year one when hs, damon, chloe and I use to walk there at 2 just to sit there or play bastketball. I even learnt how to "shoot" the ball in to the ring. Hehe!! I can be carried away when I want to learn something :) Usually I don't play because there's all guys but this time, they allow me to play (I know them ma, so i okay la if i'm that embarrassing) and teach me!! Hahaha, even my brother never teach me :p I think they gave up in teaching me. Sometimes I feel bad when I can talk to my guy friends more than my girl friends, because end of the day, I'll be having so much fun laughing and they sat down there quietly. Don't blame me, I brought them over to talk, the guys even went there to talk to them but they want to maintain in a quiet and innocent phase, so i can't force them. SORRY!!! I know I sound like Deriss now, LOUD :p  I'm diverting to another topic again!!! This is bad :( Hahaha!! 

Well, while lying down, i made lots of noise because there was awkward silence, and I was shocked to see such beautiful stars actually, unknowingly I was NOISY. Like I say, I wanted to do that long time ago because I only get to see a small part from my window. Joey decided t do a little investigation. She ask me to message HS to ask who's there and all. HS SORRY!!! :) But I sincerely ask how are you and really cared about that situation, it's from my heart :) :) I didn't listen to what she was asking me to ask because I felt like i was disturbing him. So i told her to message wei see is she really wanted to know. We lied down till it was 3 o'clock!!! I was actually sleeping in a frozen mode while Joey talks. The wind was just blowing like as if there's gonna be a storm :p (exaggerating about the wind). She expects me to take of my jacket for her but then, I ain't your bf and I'm not wearing another jacket inside so, I'm sorry. I'm not that person who shares things plus I'm not that close to her, unless i'm lying down with Deriss, Lydia, Glory, Chris, Abi or my brother or else forget it :p No la, I'm not that mean, I will lend la but Awkward la with her!! Well, since she say she want to get sick on purpose, i'm just doing her a favour :p since she was still waiting for him to come,  but he didn't. She's like Abigail, wants to do something stupid but can never succeed because it always bring disappointment. 

So in the end, She went to watch them perform, and I got a shocking door knock from two scary mens. These guys just have to knock as if they're gonna bang my door or kill me of i dont open. I was sleeping and dreaming!!!!! That knock on the door had me jumped up in 1 second, causing head ache and neck pain. I think they were shock to see me with my blanket and pillow in my hand :p Hehehe!! Who's no scared right??  After telling me some chinese stuff, I was quiet for few seconds trying to process some chinese ALIEN-IC word. And they came in and ask "jabiuadiufiuauisa?". Since they kept playing with my switch for the heater and he has something that looked like plug on his hand i said "ugfegfuigfus :) No roommate, my roommate shift already. not this room"  Communication break down. So he went out without a word and went to mimi's room where my roommate is :) He also banged her door, how barbaric :p And Why you got my house key?!?! He even unlocked my  door, Thank God I had another lock from inside :p No more next time. 

p/s: That "ufhuiahf" isn't profanity :) I don't swear, its me receiving some "chinese alien-ic" language. :p  

                        ~~ God Bless ~~

                     ~~ Loves from Me ~~

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