
Thursday 8 November 2012

Friends :)

True friends always want the best for you

This two called me "stupid " last night
 :'( Hahaha!!

These two ah, "brained washed" me about leaving frenemy because of the way she treats me every time. One thing they said was true was "Why so stupid? People treat you like that still want to help her" Haiz!! Han sin ah!!! Say only easy la, do that time the guilt will be so bad, seriously, i feel bad. 

Actually, I really felt I already did my best in helping her and I have thought of leaving and be myself, SOLO XD Yea, because she told me "I really feel I have no friend, no one to talk, see, eat, or anything. I really have no one beside me". What am I?? Am I invisible to her?? This is something I call take people for granted. 

BiiBee :)
If she's gonna think I boikot her, I really have nothing to say. Someone who has been hurting her for years, she still longed for their friendship and never gave up. But me, I'm always there, and If i do one thing, which is never talk to her, she told me, she never thought of asking me why or even wanted to fight for our friendship. She totally gave up. From There, I could see what kind of friend I was to her. I'm so call a "sponge" when ever she needed to release her feelings. She is one person who says, she's open to people's critics, oh man, please, people who says like that are always opposite.

Even when I was In church, Lydia, talked to me and asked me to get my rights back and stand up for myself, If i'm gonna answer back and tell her at her face, which is something I had never done before, I can confirm, she'll say, I got influenced by people and I changed. Well, WHO CARES!!! *Darren, HanSin and ChoonKai's favourite sentence *

I know what i'm suppose to do now. I'm gonna follow the flow and see how, I can't always message her, it expensive and can't she just leave a FB message. LET IT BE!!! FORGETTTTTT!!!

BiiBee staring at VoonQian when she eat burger

She's So cute!! 

I'm gonna celebrate Mei See's birthday and their moral presentation's success. And Frenemy's bf is gonna be there, just wondering if he will bring her........ If he did, its gonna be SUPER AWKWARD. Because her frenemy is there. What ever la, I'm just gonna have fun and celebrate with mei see, then go church for meeting.  MIDTERM, TAKE HOME TEST AND ASSIGNMENT IS DUE ON THE SAME DAY~~ 

BYE!! Off to prepare for churchie :)  VicThor Chooo~~ Babi feller :p  

Oh!! Our prayer meeting was a bit off last night. Coz we meet with a very disturbed, lost and confused guy during dinner. All, 3 of us manage to share individually. And then He followed us to church and when I was about to walk in the church with that guy, I felt a sudden push from the front, a severe head ache and couldn't breath. After he went behind, I really didn't like that feeling and told victor about his various talisman. So Lydia and I prayed in tongues while Victor went to talk to him. That guy asked for a prayer and I shared with him many things in cantonese and thank God he felt better. After leaving, I still didn't feel nice, but once 3 of us starting worshiping, that feeling went away. That night we had "karaoke" session till 1am. Really loved that moment. We just let the music play and we really sang and worshiped in our own ways. I realize, prayer meeting, can be done in many ways. And when people say "when you worship, the enemy will run away" I can really feel the difference. Thank God for that fruitful night :) We all shared, learned, worshiped, fellowshiped, and acknowledge God together. Love the feeling when church members do things together. 


~~ God Bless ~

~~ Loves from Me ~~  

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