
Wednesday 21 November 2012

Prayer meeting

Same vision?? :p 

I'll be short :) This week was rather dull and dry because we're all so caught up with the christmas drama. Well, I started my Wednesday at 12pm :p I know, you gotta know that I ain't a morning person XD I went to get lunch with Lydia under the scorching sun but some how I didn't use my umbrella. Loved the sun for the first time, weird right. And guess what caught our attention???? Oh, another thins you have to know, I love clouds. Hehe. Its sooooooo beautiful and it looked like cotton candies :)

Didn't really look that nice when its taken. Too bad :) 

At around 3 something I accidentally captured this outside my window and I knew that its gonna be another great time tonight.

It looked like a person and Lydia told me it was a lady :) 

Then at erm, 9pm we had our prayer meeting, we came out late because of the rain but it didn't stop us from praying. Hmm, waiting is always the hardest, Malaysians are never early. Yeap, about prayer meeting guess again who came to welcome us as a family?? :D

Ewwww!! My worst nightmare, came by the gate and there was a spider, went in the church and there's roaches :( 4 of them in total. Well, being girls, we all screamed and Victor has to kill it. and the worst part was, he tried spraying air freshener at it, HOW CAN IT DIE VICTOR?? And he clogged up the toilet with tissues that he used to collect them. 
For the first time during prayer meeting I didn't know how to pray, like I was stuck while praying and I was suppose to lead. I my heart I kept asking God to lead me and I lead this prayer meeting and Sharon, she's the scariest person, she is so good at visions and this time she ask me to pray for her in my heart to see if God will show her something. Well, The reason why I didn't know how to pray was, the things that I saw didn't make sense and they are not related at all, I knew it was for her but wasn't clear about the story behind. I keep quiet about what I saw and continued praying with a weird feeling, like I had to tell what I saw but I wasn't sure about it. I saw a feet and green grasses, more like a road where God will lead that person. Another thing was colorful things just kept falling down which reminded me of God's promises and I also had this burden to pray for "purpose". My prayer was long and weird but I don't care. hehe. Half way through, I saw like a wall, brigs  I felt so uncomfortable and weird just disturbed.
After the prayer, Sharon started asking Lydia about paths, she saw the same thing as me, she saw new road and mine was fresh green paths. Then she saw rainbows while we were talking, which was the colorful things I saw, didn't know it was for who. But the brigs that I saw was for her, she saw that too. I told God to speak and show her because, I really can't , I didn't know what was I seeing, it was my first time seeing so many things for different people at the same time. She told me that she has to make certain paths in life and she has a wall that is stopping her to get to where she wants to go. :)
Cool right?? And another thing was Lydia, saw a purple cross. And then she was reminded of a lady in the Bible called lydia who opened her house for people. Acts 16:14-15 "One of those listening was a woman from the city of Thyatira named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message. 15 When she and the members of her household were baptized, she invited us to her home. “If you consider me a believer in the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my house.” And she persuaded us."
Though no one said if it was them, who the visions were talking about, I'm sure God had already spoken to them and will continue to speak to them, even me :) Just love it when there's prayer meeting, its so encouraging. Was that cloud lady, the lady in purple?? I just thought about it. God please speak to us in Your ways. Really need that. 

Choir team. They look so clean and nice in white. You should see Johnson in white!! 

US!!! The "kelefes" hahaha!!
We look really weird. More like hari raya day :p

Well, I'm done with my day. OH and Erm, I would recommend you guys to watch FIREPROOF. Its an old movie but its worth watching. Its very meaningful ;) You'll know when you watch it. And another one is TO SAVE A LIFE, a teenage  movie, you'll love it as well. It talks about how status and pride can cause you to lose a friend or a life. Have fun watching. Be different among the others, everyone is just as important and so are you. They deserve to be listen and acknowledge too :)

~~ God Bless ~~

~~ Loves from Me ~~

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