
Tuesday 29 January 2013


Back to reality

I’m finally going back to Kampar, a day which I hope will never come. It’s like going back to a place where you had hurts and disappointments, even bad memories. Unlike back at my hometown, there’s also all the sadness but somehow, I don’t feel that far from people I know. I think it’s because this trip has brought me good memories which I really treasure. The door of the train closed as I slowly leave the city of KL, Leaving with a heavy heart.

1.    Rachel’s (my youngest cousin sister) trip back

Usually, when Dan, Liz and Rach is back, I won’t be able to spend time and really bond with them compared with my brothers. Thank God this time, though Dan’s trip back, I wasn’t there, at least when Rach came I was THERE J When she was here, we talked about lots of stuffs and certain things that she tells me, really saddens me. I wasn’t there as a cousin sister to listen and share her thoughts because her parents got divorced when she was very young and leaving in Australia, she had different values and thinking that caused her to find that there’s no one at home who would listens or talk other than her brothers and sister, but they have their own lives and friends. At least they are near God, Rach i really far, partly was because she’s a science student, everything has to be proven and being seen or experienced it by herself.  Her mom worries for her as she goes and drink with her friends. Thank God her friend got punished for being caught with her bf at home, because Rach didn’t want to go back and celebrate new year alone. Besides, the biggest reason why she stayed back was because of the church friends she met, was really happy that they got along well. Seeing your close friends talking and laughing with your cousin, really put a smile on my face. Really hope and pray that God will touch her.

2.   Mikha’s birthday & Gloria’s Birthday

Mikha is a guy who’s of my age, he loves reading like Rach :p Hahaha!! Anyways, I was shocked when I was told about the person who’s going to fetch me. Its him!! I’m crazy, but you sort of simply get nervous and happy in a way ( I don’t know, just something I felt). I was in the car with him, Miah and Rach. It was very awkward but then after a while it was okay. It was very funny when we started talking, Rach and Miah would just stop and listen, creating a really awkward situation. They don’t have to stop when we talk.

Then during Glory’s birthday surprise, we were in the same car again!! Hahaha!! I’m not exaggerating but I want to say “ AHHHHHH!!! I can’t believe it”. Right after our lunch we headed back to church and I sat in his car again, and smart Glory left us alone in the car. Erm, It wasn’t awkward also just kind of shy I guess.

I actually gain LOTS of weight. This holiday has been a really sinful trip, all the food and more food. Imagine eating every time you come down from the car. And after this, CHINESE NEW YEAR is here, also another season of good food. Actually, i don’t think during CNY I’ll be eating a lot, I won’t be going back to any of my parents hometown but just staying at home and maybe eating mamak as all the Chinese shops close. Gonna have to lose weight seriously. I plan to cycle to class every morning because I have time to look at God’s creation as I cycle, and also thank God with prayer. I use to go an hour early to Uni, to read the bible and also pray outside of the lecture hall. But since i have 8am classes, I have to change my sleeping habits.

5.30 wake up and wash up
6.00 breakfast and TAWG
7.00 Cycle to Uni
8-6 Classes

( after this i would be studying and then sleep by 11pm max. If got church max 12). Most importantly is HOPE I CAN DO IT LA.... Its easy to say but to practice a discipline life is hard. Nothing is impossible to God tho ;) I kinda miss the clouds, no clouds is like no Jesus, that how I feel.

Well, that’s partly my holiday J I had lots of fun. I believe God has another challenge for me in Kampar that’s waiting for me. Working in partnership with God would be the best way. Sigh~~ How can I say no to what God has given to me, I can only pray that he’ll open hearts and open door to redeem back what was lost.

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from Me ~~