
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Still Haunts

Something from the Past

Isn't it hard to keep things in your heart? Let me tell you, its hard. In fact, its very hard because you just don't know how to tell or maybe even describing it.

To me, Its worthless even if i say something, It seems like nothing is going to change, So, why do I still ponder and still think of it?

Don't know why this sudden emotion came today, Can I say that, it was the perfect timing for those songs to play along? haha!! Nonsense much?? That's how mixed up my brain is, LOST!!

Most of the time I would just back off, Nothing much i can do, Maybe I'm not THAT christian, I don't know.

Looking at the person who actually talked behind you, When they don't know the real story. Really hurts, you just have to fake a smile. That night, I've tried my very best to smile BUT you just caused it to be a sour smile. 

You write me a letter, Thank you. BUT I really think You NEVER meant everything on that card. Maybe only when you write it. That shows how much you've crushed my heart. 

You always expect me to be a christian friend to you, Let me tell you, Christian also has their limits, when it comes to "PATIENCE". Recently, because of you, its no longer in me. 

I start to tell the truth straight just like you want me to be. Even I'm questioning myself about me being a christian. Since you're so good why don't you teach me??

Thank God for forgiveness, without it, I would be a person who is like "frenemy". I wouldn't mind they talking about me, BUT what I mind is why "christian" is always the reason? Pls dont be so stereotype, If i can be bad just because I'm a christian, then does it make you great? Well, if it does, you can continue, coz I DONT CARE :p Use frenemy to make me angry la, It never effects me coz i know her pattern. Its you that has a problem. 

If anyone of you ever had a friend like that, let him or her be, coz they just wanna see you cry and be emotional. Show them that you're stronger than what they think. Always remember, there's always a merciful God who's more than willing to listen to you and He doesn't mind if you cry, cause crying out to Him means, you want Him to be in control of the situation and you really want Him involve in it with you to make things right.

~~ God Bless ~~

~~ Loves from Me ~~

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