
Friday 29 March 2013

Fitting in

Shutting of certain mindset for the goodness of others

Its actually not easy to fit into an unfamiliar environment. Having a new roommate is like staying in a new country. Everything starts new. And being in a double room, one of us have to tolerate. I'm not saying I'm doing all the tolerating but I got to a point where I really couldn't stand my roommate. One word to describe her "GAMER".

hahaha!! Not her but yea :p

I can accept people who plays lots of games BUT someone who doesn't sleep the whole night is what I can't stand. For months i tried to move to places to stay away from her but I realize I can't but I have to face her. So after my plans of shifting was approved by my parents, I came back on Monday night and I was really very tired. After cleaning the room, washing clothes and doing some work I slept, until the clock hit 2am. Not forgetting I have 8am class to attend. It was so hot because my place was far away from the fan and the light shines directly to my face. So i got up in anger wanting to scold her because it has been like that for half a year, I have sleepless night every day and sometimes I can't sleep, I can't wake up for my classes because WE sleep at 6am in the MORNING. 
She wears something like that. Such a pro ;)
Sometimes I even thought she talks to her self

There I was in Uni for the whole day, always hoping that when I'm back I could find peace and rest but instead the sound of the gamer is always there. I'm okay if she don't sleep for few nights but THIS is really too much. Even studying beside her is a problem. I even shifted my table to be allow me to study properly and tried sleeping the other way, but I still can't. I'm a light sleeper but I can still accept lights or even slight noise. But if you're staying up because of GAMES and you don't sleep, YOU HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM. 

Let me ask you, How do you deal with people who don't talk, but only stares at the computer. He or she only move their butts when they bathe, eat or walk to the toilet and goes to Uni. In other words, like a robot. And you have to make decision about the room because you have a leakage in your room? Is it hard? Or is it my problem? I'm okay with talking but it feels like there's a communication break down. I gave up talking to her last semester, I really tried my best to know her so that we can stay HARMONIOUSLY. HAHAHAHA!! IMPOSSIBLE~~ 

Anyway, I decided not to shift but to change my way of perception. Since I can't change her ways of sleeping,  So i change myself. After everything, i realize that i am able to shut myself from realizing that she's there and even push myself to sleep under that "sun-like" florescent light. I don't know if its a good thing to be ignorant about her but i can't care much, since its out of my control. This whole week, my devotion was basically based on trusting in the Lord and loving others. So trusting in the Lord i did and I found the assurance of no need to shift :) HURRAH!!! She heard that I'm shifting but who cares :p I'm happy with where I am actually. 

Sometimes people and certain environment wants to kick you out but stop, be calm and pray. Ask God if its His will. You don't want to be doing things out of His will. This whole week was very busy indeed cause I had midterms and I have to discuss with my dad and deriss about things and its tiring me out and today I have another assignment to do :'(  I had too many things to worry about and guess what? Check my next post :p See yea ;)

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from Me ~~

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