
Saturday 23 February 2013


Guess what I found?

Chocolate that has this cute words. Didn't know they have these. Well, I saw this while frenemy asked me to choose one. 


She decided that she wants to give her bf a lollipop, so we went and put it in his bicycle basket.

The moon tonight.
Its so bright. The stars showed me how long I've not been out at night. 

So after that she wanted to see if he's home, we went behind the houses and counted till 5 and there, its his room!!!
(pintai wan hor? Not me but her :p )

JunHou's room!!
We actually tot he saw us, so we kinda ran.

I don't like the feeling of being the middle person, "tell him this" or " tell her that". Do I look like a postman to you?! Tell yourself la. Plus i don't like her idea of "listen to be bf". Its actually, brainwashing him with her words. What's the point of giving him space when you ask US to talk to him according to what you say? Why don't I just record and sent to him la. Well, I didn't do what she say because he just needs a friend to listen to him now not scold him or brainwash him. There's a difference you know? Well instead, I told him to settle things as soon as possible, asking Eddie and I to be the middle person is just not being mature, and we can never represent them. So he say he'll call her out to talk within these few days :) Yay!! Hope for the best.

I hate Calvin so badly!! Okay maybe not hate but dislike. Well, you can continue waiting but just don't bother me enough. All your weird theory about tattoo and suicide are pure NONSENSE!! Start loving God first before coming to tell me what's love. I don't know love but I know God will teach us to love when we seek Him. And I'm just so bad at things like that, I rather no know why, cause i just feel bad cause tattooing was because of me, not committing suicide also because of me. So what am I GOD??  I don't know, he just scares me. He talks until as if no matter what, he believes I'll just be his in future as he tries.WHAT?!?!?! Please lar!! Don't use Marry and Joseph to tell me how to build a strong relationship. 

See him like, "hehe hahaha" when talk about things like that, like SUPER KNOWLEDGEABLE. When I say its wrong to tattoo, then pula banyak pattern "its a cross la, got your name la, I love you la". NONSENSE!!! I wish its just a dream, this will haunt me man!! Guilt for I don't know how tattoo and suicidal has something to do with me. No wonder my brother is also scared and said "if he dies, his blood is in my hands" which also means, MY HANDS. God, how did safe a life became, like this?? I knew all these, "wanna learn about bible" and asking me questions was weird. Coz its all about me and I even told him off about sweet talking to me, coz it annoys me ALOT, that's just what guys do and they think its cool, NO WAY MAN. Its just words to me, everyone can say but they dont know me. If you think by asking me what person I like, and you'll try to be that person to impress me, I'M SO SORRY, that won't work. Because of him, I'm just stuck. How did I ever get into troubles like this?!? The more he talk, the more I'm messed up. I can tell you, I can never like this person, using expensive gifts, giving what I want, trying to be the person he's not, hot tempered and money minded person, These, I will not fall for. I DON'T KNOW!! WHATEVER!!! 

I just don't like telling him how am I or how's my day. ANYTHING ABOUT ME, i'll just skip it. I told him its annoying and I don't like people bothering me with messages or anything useless. I'm okay with people like Damon, Hansin, Choonkai, Genesis, its just normal daily, friendly talk, but him. Its just him, just wipe it out my memory will do.  GOD WHY?!? I DON'T WANNA KNOW, TOO MUCH INFORMATION TO PROCESS. Its making me doubt myself. In return, he's brainwashing me instead.   He just appears at the wrong time. Just get him to like someone else, and i'm happy for him. Really!! I don't know how Deriss do this but, its just hard to be friends with people who likes you like a glue and very FAN. Never ending. 

Sort of told him about my long lost friend. He kinda skipped that part XD Then I just cut him off and said, that this topic ends here and now, I don't want to hear anymore and please don't find me cause its annoying. I have never been so straight in my life, its so hard to say that but I just have to la. 

Sleep!! Good night :) I see the moon again, so bright and round. Note: 

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from Me ~~

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