
Thursday 31 October 2013

Church #3

Degree!!! Hahaha!! I further my studies in a very small town call Kampar in a district of Perak. I took Bachelor of Finance. I thought is was easy, at least I loved that subject when I was in foundation and I scored 'A'. God lead me to Kampar, not knowing where, my mom brought me and my brother down to get a room and settle me down. God send great people to bring me along. I was alone and all but yea, I have a pair of feet and mouth. Eventually I got lost in such a BIG uni, AT FIRST. Now it looks small :p

3. God never fails to use me,show me, and love me.

In my first year, God showed the kind of friends I had that I had to choose between having my own life and hurting myself. Well my friends did not treat me as friends when they met new friends who they can have more fun with and I'm a 'CHRISTIAN GIRL' with boundaries. I was really hurt but then I learn to step up for myself and if they want to talk to me I will, why want to be calculative, keeping all the hurts and anguish when I can be happy.

Just Deriss
That's when I met deriss, my dad would ask me to stay away from her because she's independent, well I can't be like her. But her faith is what I look up to. She taught me to do things that people wont do, just to bless them. She was the first who shared with me her life experience and her spiritual life. As years past, she taught me about faith, perseverance, boldness and discipline. What she has done for me, I can never repay her. She taught me to have fun but at the same time, study is still priority. This is also when I met Genesis again. Well, we're closer than before. We walked away from church for the same reason and we meet again. She was more like an elder sister. She's strict and she knows what's one and what's 2. She never lets her heart take over for decisions. Her mind is the one that does it all. She's really a woman of God. She has this funny way of laughing that cracks people up even when she's seriously acting, people will just laugh. hehe Just love her the way she is :) Then came Lydia. After Deriss left, Lydia and I was more like talking buddies, we spent time talking about our problems and how God would mould us, what we should do. And at the same time, we were close to Ziyin. 3 of us shared what we had inside us for our church, we believe that as we humble ourselves in seeking Him, getting our hearts right, He will do the bringing of people. 
Lydia Koren aka Lily

Though the number is few, but He brings the right people in. I remember how we would talk about how studies are and yet here we are in church. How did we manage to juggle things and all. Despite our bad results, but then we still look to God and ask Him to change us. Its not about our time spent in church more to our time management. Lydia would call me out for a drink and we would go to the basketball court and we'll talk as we lie down and look at the stars. This is how I know, and we all know fellowship is important in church. We bring each other up when one is down. So we also start fellowship-ping with others asking how they feel and their problems. We face a lot of problems mostly like how people would see us as a church that is small in size. To us number was never the problem because it never crossed into our mind. We were normal as others, we eat the same food as others, we learn the same things as other, we go to the same uni as others, maybe because we didn't go to the same church as them. I don't know. Well, Zi Yin, she's like another elder sister to me. Her advice are always to wise. Though she may look fierce but once I got to know her, she was nothing about anger or getting back at others, in fact the always solve problem without hurting once feeling though the other party would.
Ziyin jie jie and Chia Ming ;)
He look so cool face to face (true story)

 Lets just put it as, she's has gone through great things in life that has made her wise in the words that she say. She's the elder sister in our church because when we get bullied she will stand up for us. She will say the truth and its because she knows the truth. Unless is she's wrong, then she will listen. I regretted I never got to know her earlier. She taught lai ping and I subjects that we can't cope. Yeap, we study in church :) We exchange knowledge. She use to tell me about how I was too soft and how I need to speak up, well she was right, she knew my problem but i never got the guts to change. The relationship she has with her boyfriend is so God driven. They keep each others up in God's word and never fails to encourage one another. And you can see that their relationship is mature and not childish. Something I would look up to :) Just can't wait to see them in future. I know Lai ping would. And who is this person name Lai Ping?? hehe I met her in a christmas drama, and she was sooooo cute back then, she acted as an angel. Not that she's not cute now, she a very very very very very funny person. She can make the whole church laugh. After 12am she'll go crazy, its her having her sugar rush time. She is one person who I really sayang, other than Nathan and J-vyn ;) She has this heart for God and she was so crushed when I first met her. She's the only christian in her family. She tries her best to fulfil the needs in her home by taking responsibilities like taking care of her brothers and sister. Who she is today is how she was brought up since young. She's the mom in our church. She cleans and cleans and nags and nags all she wants until its done. haha!! But we love her for who she is, we need people like her to kick butts that are not responsible and to light up the atmosphere in church. Well, to me she and Nathan did a great job in creating atmosphere. They are actually of the same age but very different in mind, they practically go against each other in a funny way.

Lai Ping aka Horlick Ping aka Mom

Nathan on the other hand is an island boy who has gone through a lot in life as well. Other than that, he's a fun guy. He knows when to have fun and when to study. I admire his knowledge in music as he help us during worship practise, like songs arrangements, because we are confused about it, plus we song leaders dont know chords and beats. hahaha!! We know beats but not in a music way. So yea, he teaches us that. Plus for a guy his age, when it comes to relationship, he is gooood and mature. hehe, i think its because of this previous or maybe he has sisters. So yea. Its good that we have other guys in church because he have so much girls, gotta balance them up. He helps J-vyn in seeing things differently plus they come from the same hometown, Penang. And they are guys who watch animes and plays computer games, I'm sure they'll get along. Why do I sayang him so much because he has this cute baby face and a very funny english ascent. Yea, I really wish the best for him in life and his road with Jesus. I'm just amazed to how much he knows in terms of studies and how he love reading books like even medicine and goodness those books are CRAZILY THICK~~ Thicker than my finance textbooks. 

And J-vyn........... Hmmmmmm...... That's just J-vyn, He's so neutral and quiet. He's not shy but quiet. He just doesn't know when to speak and when to tell how he feels. He's just J-vyn. hehe. He's another person who I really love to talk to, though its hard but praise God he changed a lot from the first day he came. He's pretty cute when he dont know how to answer lai ping's demanding question, and we sometimes would wanna choke him just waiting for his answer. It takes him mins and mins and mins. But we're used to it, its part of us now. To people outside, we might look like we're forcing him but we're teaching him to make decision and think about the future. He really has no idea about his life. Like I say, Thats so J-vyn.   
Nate aka chatter box :p
J-vyn: The mysterious quiet boy
 who's growing

I wouldn't trade anything for these people. and not forgetting pastor elijah, pastor angela, wing yin, Theo (he's not chinese ;) I thought he was a chinese too and he's a pastor too ) and Jannel 

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