
Thursday 31 October 2013

Church #2

 After National Service, I went to UTAR to further my studies. And it was a new path for me, being away from home again. I think God is trying to build me stronger because i can never stay away from my family, I'm hopeless with out them. They are where I always hide my face and everything, cause they are there to protect me. Well, that's wrong. Though my parents would allow me to go into the "wild" but God used assignments and friends to change my attitude. 

2. He never let you go through things you can't bear and He will bring people who are around you to guide you.

Who says non-christians can't help you?? We can't judge people because they are different from you. My foundation friends are someone who knows and respect me as a christian. They will not disturb me when I'm reading the bible in fact they will remind me. I'm a person who will not speak up for myself and will try my best to stay out of responsibility. But my friend taught me to speak up and lead. Some how, they will help me to translate in chinese to my group members. They even told me that after this, I had to do it myself. They thought me to laugh when its time to laugh, study when its time to study and play when its time to. They changed my quietness to an open person, who's willing to help people, because they helped me. I know how one person's help can change people, so I decided to help others and not forgetting God. I also learn that in my hard times when my friends can no longer help me, its out of their abilities, God showed me, He will not let me go through things that I can't bear when I was reading the bible. I went to the balcony and cried out of option and stress, at that time my dad called, he told me that he and my brother will help to finish my assignment for Mass Communication (due date, next morning) when my group member bailed out just because they don't know english and they had no idea what to do. I finished it within few hours. My dad and brother slept and they told me, the rest I had to finish it up myself. I learn to strive for things I had to do, and even when I strive, I can never forget those who helped me, my family. 

Another thing I learn about a person is ORIGINALITY. Its not that I'm an emotional person, but some how God just reminds me of who I am. In many of my presentation (public speaking, mass comm and english) God challenged me to be thankful for where I came from, to share what He has done in my life. Even if we shared tears while sharing, but the message through the presentation will hit people's mind. Because all the tutors or audience wants its something close to their heart, something they can relate to. Even if we try to talk about something we don't know, we can never make them understand. Unless we simplify things. Simple things can give greater impact than bombastic lighting, slideshow or outfit. Be you and share. 

The last thing I learn till the end of my foundation studies is starting your day with God, makes your day better. Even though you might go through a lot within 7am to 8pm but you'll find that, you have the strength to go through and while waiting and striving for the day, you have time to whisper a song of praise and think about how funny if people are looking at your miserable life now, probably they'll be laughing and you'll end up smiling, I know I did. God just plans everything for you. There's always a reason why I waited for a bus for 2 hrs under the scorching sun, then take the KTM and waited for another 45min. All these, builds character. I will always feel shy or small, going up the bus and people staring at me, but then SO WHAT, thats how I look like after travelling from uni :p I can't be all drama queen about how I look, can i?? I can but I choose not to, its not about how I look but how I present myself. hehe

Stay tuned for my last thing and the Finale of this topic ;)

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