
Thursday 31 October 2013

Coming back


I'm back. Its been months and months of not posting. Well its been a hard time starting to write again because i will have to really express how i feel. I've been closing my blog because:

 1. I was not free
 2. Had to settle some personal problems
 3. Went for camp
 4. Went to talk to pastor

This is what I learnt, you can never be too mature or too smart. Sometimes its just hard if two people are on a different page or channel. Maybe the opposite to attract each other instead of people of the same kind. At times we restrict ourselves from telling the truth because we care about how other feel. Look at things this way. If you never tell the truth, they will always be kept under a "lie". Which is bad??

The truth may hurt, but "the truth shall set you free". Whether or not the person will accept what you say, i realize its not your responsibility. How the person reacts to in and if the person restrains from your friendship, don't feel bad. All you can do is tell the truth, what happens after that its their responsibility. Action that they take is their choice not yours. Unless if we force them, and that's wrong.

We can't make decisions for people or make them make decisions on the spot. Different people take their own time to realize things. Well, it took me 22 years, to figure out my problem. Its hard to know the truth but whether you want to change or stay that way because you're so sad and depressed of your situation is up to you.

I thank God that He never fails to call me back. He never fails to remind me of him. They always say, if you love someone, you wont do anything to hurt him or her. Well, the love that God has for me, I can never repay him. He has been watching me when i'm down, sad, depressed, blur, negative and even happy. I put the right friends around me to wake me up. I thank God for COP (church of praise, Kampar, Tronoh and Ipoh). And i love them so much. Wouldn't trade them for other thing ;)

~~ God Bless ~~

~~ Loves from Me ~~

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