
Friday 24 August 2012

Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Time . Chat . Life . GOD

I always believe in quality time spent with dearest friends. 
I really thank God that even when I couldn't have one with my dearest,
 CHANGES, Daphne, Yee Mun, Quincy, Ann, or Some other hometown besties, 
I still can have one here. 

Just like today I was able to hang out with Deriss, Genesis and Lydia. 
One of my closest friends in COP other than 
Twinkle(Caroline) and Zi yin :)
 *cannot for get them, funny people* 

I like the time spent where we could talk about our past, experience, our spiritual life, 
You know, to some how catch up with one another. 
We should do it more often :)
 FUN!! Its very encouraging to share with them your encounters with God
Makes you wanna share and listen attentively :)    

In few hours time, I'll be going to Old town to catch up with Yu han.
Bank, clothes, food, and some stuffs
I realize, too close isn't the solution,
But giving space to one another and allowing both sides to breath
Is sort of the best way to get our mind
off our current problem

It some how became something that has just passed or VANISHED!!
In an blink of an eye :)

Allowing God to speak to you and also work in you is another story
Only when you allow, He can work in you.
I really want God to slap me on the face as a wake up call,
REALLY NEED THAT!! *red alert*

Sometimes I even pray that God will not stop showing more of Himself to me
In the end, i found myself closing up to such things:

1. If i want God to work in my life, I should allow and anticipate change and transformation

2. Willing to change because He is the best way.

3. Seek ye first the kingdom of God

4. Be obedient 

5. Be still and know that He is God

6. Never Doubt

7. Never failing Faithfulness in Him

8. Pray and accept

9. Dream BIG even during prayer

10. Ask for visions when we pray and never be afraid because He is Almighty  

[saying that we are all humans, is not an excuse, in fact when Jesus came down in flesh He was human as well, if He can why not us? Truly we can do the same because he says
John 5: 19 "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself;, he can do only what he sees
 his Father doing, because 
what ever the Father does the son also does"]  

P/S: trying to pull myself together and be ready to seek God and face my final exam.
I have to settle the spiritual part of me 1st, call me superstitious
but, Its important to me.
It's part of me, my life and everything that's in it. 
Gotta find back the passion and hunger for His word and the purpose.
Its has to be clear and not blur.

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all you 
heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight."

~~ God Bless~~
~~Loves from me~~

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