
Tuesday 4 September 2012

Life . Lesson . Parents . Stress .


Many say career is important, study is as important so does good grades and being rich. But if we have everything and yet we have a bad attitude, isn't it worst? NOTE: When ever you show a bad attitude on a first meeting or date, it TURNS them OFF. SERIOUSLY! Well, 1st impression always helps when you're trying to fix some problem but, even the 1st is the worst, who can save you then, rite? Back to being fampus or rich. People hate you, you're being "love" because of your status. Have you ever wonder, are they even your friends? Or Do you even know those who sticks to you all the time. They come and go.  Hmm, think about it. Real friends are those who will tell you the truth when you're wrong because they care. They'll still be there even if you have nothing. They don't care even if you call at 3 o'clock to talk about how you feel.

Who you are is just as important. Some times we even ask God "Why me?"  or "does it has to always be me?" Be a grown up or a parent and think nicely. Why would a mom take her son's/ daughter's toy or get them grounded when they are wrong? BINGO!! Because we couldn't handle what was given to them. Same as all of us. We have all the freedom to do what we want, but if we didn't use it wisely, don't blame God for taking it back. Besides, the road downhill, is always the best. It might be hard to walk and perhaps involves tears, LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SIDE FRIENDS, we get to learn and shape who we are, to be a better person stronger ones. Sometimes people think that "Oh man, its such a shameful thing to be in that situation". NO its not. Its a story that made you stronger and the story that you have might be able to help a friends go through theirs. They don't have to be a close friend. People who is in need. Trust me, one you've help them and see them smile, you be thinking "WHAT A JOY!!".

Another thing I've learned this week, GRADES. They are important but if grades have made you cranky, bossy, big headed, competitive, show off, wanna be famous and etc (what ever people call). I dare tel you its of no use. Yes indeed!! Parents wants us to get good grades and its good for future but then again, who we are is just important. I don't want my parents seeing me being a BIG HEADED kid laughing at other people's grades. If you wanna be proud of it, Teach them then. YOU HEARD ME, teach people without looking forward for return because a wise man once said, "But when you give to the needy, do not let left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving maybe in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you." 

We can't change our habits instantly, its all about the will power and determination. It might feel geeky to teach people, or might not be "cool", when they succeed, you'll be happy, even if they don't remember you, just say "God bless you" and hope that they'll make good use of it as well. They'll learn from it. Everyone has their ups and downs. So do I. Mine is more of a, erm... I should say down. I may say its a road for me to deal with my emotions and character, its not easy but i do believe in prayer to keep me strong.

Why do i write these?? Because I experienced it myself and i see them happen around me. I just turn 21 but I'm not a kid, neither am I a grown up. I learn from them and I'm not free of problems, I've been in teens but I try my best to stay out of trouble because I feel my parents needed less trouble at home. So why not, give in and try to solve things positively? For me, I'll cry out to God and ask Him to help me. Even though there seems to be no answer but i believe its not time yet. AND when he does answer :) You'll be shock. Amazing things had happened to me over night. From who I was to who I am now. I'm not perfect and I still need to grow. 

P/S: A word of blessing or compliment would start your day well :)

Words for my dear friends out there :)

~ God Bless~
~~ Loves from Me ~~

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