
Thursday 6 September 2012

Another early morning Good nights

Long lost friend

It feels so nice to be able to talk and spend time and catch up with what we've missed. I always wonder how it would end up so well. This time i really enjoyed. I literally laugh the whole night!! We were talking about randoms stuffs and then ANGELS. *we had the same respond to why we are scared!!* Well, thanks to my roommate, this was on our conversation. 

We then continued about our little ABIGAIL :) I like her, she's just so, hmmm, should i say, a small girl with dreams of her own. Its some how funny, because i wonder if all the little girls like that as well. * Curiosity* Well, we talked as if we were trying match make ABIGAIL and BEN, but ended up like selling her. What friends are we, we're just having fun :p Sorry ABI~ 

Always at the right timing and reason. Never had it turn out bad or anything. I would say, "I"M EXPERIENCING IT??" hahaha! I'm just filled with JOY. On and off, my "long lost friend" is the one who encourages me, always trying to make me laugh, which is very nice of my "long lost friend". It good to know that you have a friend who is always there waiting for a chance to talk to you and wants the best for you. 

I gotta say never has my friend fail to make me laugh, maybe the plan to go over to UK might not be God's plan, i'm sure He has his reasons. Maybe he's already shaped and ready. Sometimes when you want God to do things like this, He does the opposite, but never was I angry or disappointed because His ways are always the best and everything turn out well. So far, everything went well, and I really THANK GOD for that :) 

Like normal friends we tease and create our own "plan", which was fun. I didn't know i could be that fun myself, very good Sara ;) You know they say in any relationship, there must always be fellowship, doesn't have to be eating or drinking. But even small talks like these get every kind of relationship closer. 

I gotta say this each time, this friend of mine never fails to impress me. OH!!! I gotta say this, at one moment when everything was going to end, my heart stopped for a while, I don't know, but it did. But it was rather a shocking thing to hear, since my friend is a shy person *in front of me la :p* then i smiled  and i guess its different when you're communicating through phone, we become braver and its really who we are. I guessed my prayer is being answered, to know each other more. 

You know one thing good is that, we're all old enough to know what we should and should not do. We were able to know our boundaries and its something I wished my friends say, and true enough!! hahaha!! Matured people are truly different. another point to you. You might think i'm crazy or a small girl who fantasize, i don't mind. I think When God really does something you can only be happy at the outcome. :) 

In all things, give and take, understanding, willing to listen and ask, sharing the same love God has given to us, know our priorities are the main things that had kept this relationship strong. There might be storms and heavy waves in future, Nothing can stop us when we're committed and being mold in His ways. We're a child of God. Who can ever dare to stand against us? 

P/S: my roommate having finals the next day :p But yet we still talked. God bless Wendy

~God Bless~
~~Loves from Me~~

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