
Thursday 16 August 2012


Reminiscing on the past: Part 2

Name as a back bone to my school

On 15th Nov 2011:
I was supposed to have an impromptu (mock) presentation tomorrow but because I wanted to make it spontaneous so I did not prepare for it. The night before it, I was having practice for the upcoming Christmas drama. When I came back I was so tired, I grab my bible and then  I took out my book “my stories with Jesus”,  I wanted to write something but because I was thinking about my presentation tomorrow and I don’t know what I should talk about. I realize that i wrote this on my book:

That was what I wrote, then, I read my bible, prayed and slept. The next morning, my 1st class was Eng for Management (mock presentation). I was not nervous in fact I was nervous for my other presentation which is 3 hours after this class. I met Chloe and went in the class together. After sitting down, Chee Siang came in. After some time, my tutor started calling random names. Then she mentioned who would like to like to come out without her calling names. Deep in me I wanted to go out but I was shy about what I’m about to say. When I told Chee Siang my topic, he was shock. But I felt great instead. Hahahaha. Then i realize my topic has to be related to business. 1st I couldn’t remember the title of my topic, I only remembered “Me” as the first word but I do know roughly what it is about. I really wanted to talk about it, I want to talk about how great my name is and about Jesus. Then I had a sudden click in my mind, “My name is the backbone to my Business”. Instantly it became my topic’s title.

It was a challenge for me, because i don’t know if my classmates would like to listen or they might think I’m racist. Chee Siang and I made a deal that if I would volunteer, he would do the same after me. So I did like what I said, I raised my hands “Miss, I....” As everyone looked at me, thinking I’m so daring and who am I. I started with, “As a Christian my name has meaning, that is why my name is the backbone to my business, a school that I want to open in future”. Everyone’s eyes were wide open because of the title of my presentation. After finishing what I said, everyone was amazed with what I said and I was happy that I am able to show who I am and Jesus. If I did not do it, I would feel bad because it’s as if I’m shy of Jesus, which I’m not.

I felt like I accomplished something. It was nice to talk about Jesus in front of the class and people were amazed by this small girl. Thank God!

After many days have passed, it’s already 23rd November 2011, a day after the Christmas Drama. As I was telling my dad about how the Lord our God helped me during the drama, I try to think back why “Sara”. Then I remember writing a story called “Once Upon a December”. There I wrote about 3 siblings who are named, Simon, Sara and Samuel. I used my brother’s names and mine as well because I can’t think of names. Our names ended up to be a constant character. God used them according to their names given. Simon was chosen by God to do great things like Simon Peter. Sara opened a school of arts where it’s for those who are abandoned and to polish their talents. This school has many different kinds of people. Last but not least, Samuel was called by God to do great things for Him.  Take a look at what I originally wrote in my book, which I’ve never looked at since the day I wrote on it :

My name is the backbone to my Business

Sara, that’s my name
As a Christian, my name has a meaning that I’ve never thought it would be me.

I always visualize myself opening a school of arts, which is under my church. The reason why this school is open, it’s because i want to bring and teach, also to love those who are abandon by society and family. Old or Young as Long as you have a heart you can be here.

From there they will be taught to study and polish their talents. Children are the most important person.
“Alpha and Omega Academy”
Sara = Mother of all nation


Well previously God showed me that people who will help me build this school are them. We call our self powerhouse because according to Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" :

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Now these group of youngsters are off to Cambodia to bless those people there with what God has given to them. They'll be a blessing to many as they spread the GOOD NEWS. 

God Bless
~~ Loves from me~~

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