
Thursday 6 September 2012


Sign . Wonder . Answer . Faith .

We all know how clouds will make shapes, but really shapes that speak to you?? Have you?? Well, i'm not crazy but its what I've been seeing and it speaks to me. When I ask and He really shows it to me. You'll be shock, if you are me.

Previously I was really puzzled with how angels really look like because some say they're really beautiful. So I asked God to show me how it really look like and this time i added "I'll wait because it takes time to draw them out" As the wind blew, i saw something, and at first i saw an angel's fingers, very strong ones, then slowly its height. Trust me they are HUMONGOUS!! And the clouds slowly drew, i saw how beautiful An angel really is, and it was as If he was standing behind the clouds. The drawing was to detailed and real that i could see his skin and he was really muscular, Is the the Angel of War? It was so specific, I saw the 45 degrees part of him, then from the bottom, and his was holding something but i couldn't really figure that one out. When i saw it i was overwhelmed that no words could describe, i just look as it faded.   

The next one was I told Jesus since I can see that, can He show me Himself. That time the clouds was all blown away, as soon as i ended my sentence, the clouds gathered again. I could see the clouds giving way as Jesus shows Himself. Looked at me with open arms, really felt that He's calling me back. I cried straight away because i felt unworthy. I was never a faithful Christian but yet, when i ask He showed me. Jesus, you're really something, AMAZING!! I was shocked and laughed. 

The last one was rather scary, i asked God since He showed me Himself, can he show me that school that I was dreaming of opening. I wonder how he will show me but out of everything about the school, He used dancing, because it was my core to the school, and He knew it. Well, the dark clouds wasn't showing anything at first, but then as the wind blows, images of people dancing was formed, hip pop, break dancers, ballet, contemporary, ALL!!! And some were literally dancing, call me crazy but it happened. WHAT A JOY~~ But then all of a sudden, a big black clouds came and took everything away, and it was with two horns, SATAN. My enemy. I saw a hand with sharp claws took one of the dancers away. I don't know what meant but I'm sure, God will not let it happen. 

My future is always in His hands, even if satan would steal and kill, I will still remain faithful like JOB in the Bible. FYI, Satan took his family and possessions, as in killed them and left him nothing, he didn't blame God but instead He remembers God and kept being faithful till the end. Sometimes God allow temptations to happen to us, not to harm us but to mold us and shape us. We wont learn unless we fall, we all know that. Years ago, I lost my grandma, but gain a good relationship with my relatives but my dad lost his company, found a job but didn't turn out well until to a point where my mom has to work and my dad has to travel out station to bring us money. I never saw money as a must because i know and still know, money cant bring love, joy, peace and togetherness. To cut it short, we still laugh and smile even though our financial situation was bad, my parents still paid tithes faithfully even though it wont be enough to last for the month, MIRACULOUSLY it did last, with extra. See how God provides when we are faithful? That's why even if my friend ask me to lend them money, i might be disturbed because it wont be the last time, and i'm not that well off as well, but then I'll try my best to put them first and bless them. 

Its not a habit but its in me to put others first. Many people say i'm stupid but sometimes its not wrong to please others. I've been mold to be like this since young, people take advantage of me, but the good thing is i get to learn from them. I do cry because some friends are just hypocrites, but i realize its no use if you wanna put anger in to solve the problem. GIVE AND TAKE. There are certain times where i have to tell them off, its not an easy thing because I have never said "NO" to them, and they can't take it and gets mad. I have to apologies but its not because I'm wrong, its because I know its the right thing to do. Turning in first doesn't mean you're chicken but it makes you a bigger person, who's able to let things go and forgive. Well, obviously some friends don't see it that way and thinks that you're REALLY wrong to tell her off. And she keeps in mind of that situation and always reminds me of how i hurt her, never have she think about how she hurt me, its more that you could imagine. Sometimes i feel its her way of getting back to me, she would say "i thought Christians aren't suppose to be like that, that's why you said sorry rite? and I'm afraid there will be a second time" Well, God did say, correct your friend If you know they're wrong, He didn't say love them even more if they're wrong *i'll puke and its super impossible, common sense* 

But I'll just give in because I know she'll understand one day. I can't always correct her since she's in her own way and blinded by LOVE. As a friend I'm happy for her, really, But BOASTING?? That I can't tolerate, so in order not to hate her, I stay away from her, I don't see her that much anymore, cause i don't wanna be influenced by her, which is very possible. When you know there's danger, be sure to stay out before you're involved. You know what i mean. So yea, patience, is always the key, love your friend as much as yourself, you'll learn how, don't worry. I had my days with it. Again, i'm not a goody goody girl or the most faithful Christian, I was just able to do it because God gave me the opportunity to and I want to be good at it. That might be my gift, hahaha!! Honestly, i would love to have the gift for vision and dreams (which i already had) and the heart of torn people as in being able to relate to them and they'll some how find me or i'll find them. Because i really enjoy listening to their life story and it challenges me also, and I really want to help them unlock the brokenness in them. GOD!! PLEASE!!  I'm so excited when i talk about it :p childlike faith?

P/S: I dont know if people will read this, but I hope that you're blessed by it :) No offence because i'm a christian. Sorry :)

~God Bless~
~~Loves from Me~~

Another early morning Good nights

Long lost friend

It feels so nice to be able to talk and spend time and catch up with what we've missed. I always wonder how it would end up so well. This time i really enjoyed. I literally laugh the whole night!! We were talking about randoms stuffs and then ANGELS. *we had the same respond to why we are scared!!* Well, thanks to my roommate, this was on our conversation. 

We then continued about our little ABIGAIL :) I like her, she's just so, hmmm, should i say, a small girl with dreams of her own. Its some how funny, because i wonder if all the little girls like that as well. * Curiosity* Well, we talked as if we were trying match make ABIGAIL and BEN, but ended up like selling her. What friends are we, we're just having fun :p Sorry ABI~ 

Always at the right timing and reason. Never had it turn out bad or anything. I would say, "I"M EXPERIENCING IT??" hahaha! I'm just filled with JOY. On and off, my "long lost friend" is the one who encourages me, always trying to make me laugh, which is very nice of my "long lost friend". It good to know that you have a friend who is always there waiting for a chance to talk to you and wants the best for you. 

I gotta say never has my friend fail to make me laugh, maybe the plan to go over to UK might not be God's plan, i'm sure He has his reasons. Maybe he's already shaped and ready. Sometimes when you want God to do things like this, He does the opposite, but never was I angry or disappointed because His ways are always the best and everything turn out well. So far, everything went well, and I really THANK GOD for that :) 

Like normal friends we tease and create our own "plan", which was fun. I didn't know i could be that fun myself, very good Sara ;) You know they say in any relationship, there must always be fellowship, doesn't have to be eating or drinking. But even small talks like these get every kind of relationship closer. 

I gotta say this each time, this friend of mine never fails to impress me. OH!!! I gotta say this, at one moment when everything was going to end, my heart stopped for a while, I don't know, but it did. But it was rather a shocking thing to hear, since my friend is a shy person *in front of me la :p* then i smiled  and i guess its different when you're communicating through phone, we become braver and its really who we are. I guessed my prayer is being answered, to know each other more. 

You know one thing good is that, we're all old enough to know what we should and should not do. We were able to know our boundaries and its something I wished my friends say, and true enough!! hahaha!! Matured people are truly different. another point to you. You might think i'm crazy or a small girl who fantasize, i don't mind. I think When God really does something you can only be happy at the outcome. :) 

In all things, give and take, understanding, willing to listen and ask, sharing the same love God has given to us, know our priorities are the main things that had kept this relationship strong. There might be storms and heavy waves in future, Nothing can stop us when we're committed and being mold in His ways. We're a child of God. Who can ever dare to stand against us? 

P/S: my roommate having finals the next day :p But yet we still talked. God bless Wendy

~God Bless~
~~Loves from Me~~

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Life . Lesson . Parents . Stress .


Many say career is important, study is as important so does good grades and being rich. But if we have everything and yet we have a bad attitude, isn't it worst? NOTE: When ever you show a bad attitude on a first meeting or date, it TURNS them OFF. SERIOUSLY! Well, 1st impression always helps when you're trying to fix some problem but, even the 1st is the worst, who can save you then, rite? Back to being fampus or rich. People hate you, you're being "love" because of your status. Have you ever wonder, are they even your friends? Or Do you even know those who sticks to you all the time. They come and go.  Hmm, think about it. Real friends are those who will tell you the truth when you're wrong because they care. They'll still be there even if you have nothing. They don't care even if you call at 3 o'clock to talk about how you feel.

Who you are is just as important. Some times we even ask God "Why me?"  or "does it has to always be me?" Be a grown up or a parent and think nicely. Why would a mom take her son's/ daughter's toy or get them grounded when they are wrong? BINGO!! Because we couldn't handle what was given to them. Same as all of us. We have all the freedom to do what we want, but if we didn't use it wisely, don't blame God for taking it back. Besides, the road downhill, is always the best. It might be hard to walk and perhaps involves tears, LOOK AT THE BRIGHT SIDE FRIENDS, we get to learn and shape who we are, to be a better person stronger ones. Sometimes people think that "Oh man, its such a shameful thing to be in that situation". NO its not. Its a story that made you stronger and the story that you have might be able to help a friends go through theirs. They don't have to be a close friend. People who is in need. Trust me, one you've help them and see them smile, you be thinking "WHAT A JOY!!".

Another thing I've learned this week, GRADES. They are important but if grades have made you cranky, bossy, big headed, competitive, show off, wanna be famous and etc (what ever people call). I dare tel you its of no use. Yes indeed!! Parents wants us to get good grades and its good for future but then again, who we are is just important. I don't want my parents seeing me being a BIG HEADED kid laughing at other people's grades. If you wanna be proud of it, Teach them then. YOU HEARD ME, teach people without looking forward for return because a wise man once said, "But when you give to the needy, do not let left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving maybe in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret will reward you." 

We can't change our habits instantly, its all about the will power and determination. It might feel geeky to teach people, or might not be "cool", when they succeed, you'll be happy, even if they don't remember you, just say "God bless you" and hope that they'll make good use of it as well. They'll learn from it. Everyone has their ups and downs. So do I. Mine is more of a, erm... I should say down. I may say its a road for me to deal with my emotions and character, its not easy but i do believe in prayer to keep me strong.

Why do i write these?? Because I experienced it myself and i see them happen around me. I just turn 21 but I'm not a kid, neither am I a grown up. I learn from them and I'm not free of problems, I've been in teens but I try my best to stay out of trouble because I feel my parents needed less trouble at home. So why not, give in and try to solve things positively? For me, I'll cry out to God and ask Him to help me. Even though there seems to be no answer but i believe its not time yet. AND when he does answer :) You'll be shock. Amazing things had happened to me over night. From who I was to who I am now. I'm not perfect and I still need to grow. 

P/S: A word of blessing or compliment would start your day well :)

Words for my dear friends out there :)

~ God Bless~
~~ Loves from Me ~~