
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Why Does God Let Your Enemies Survive

I would love to share this short message by Shyju Mathew. I really love his writing because it speaks to be every single time. And it tells us how are we to face it with God. Here's the link:

Have you ever (secretly) wished that fire would engulf and devour your enemies? Or are you like Job, Jeremiah or David, who asked God, “Why do the wicked prosper?” Have you ever felt that God is silent over your enemy? Why does God let your enemy even live when He has the power to wipe them all off the face of the earth?
Dear friend, the truth is that it usually takes opposition to really know what you are made of. God usually uses a Goliath to introduce a valiant David. Your enemy is not your coffin but your platform to where God wants you to be.
But the problem is that not at all the times do we see Goliath falling. We are most frustrated when we find ourselves running instead. It seemed like all was ok, till you found out that your enemy just stole your promotion. And that grin on your enemy’s face makes it even worse.


Is it not interesting that after 430 years of slavery out came Israel’s glorious exodus? They would have otherwise never seen a man so close to God like Moses. They would have never seen the Red Sea part. They would have never experienced godly providence in the desert just as a father provides for a child, in the place of their most need.
Here is one of my favorites verses, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward Him” 2 Chronicles 16:9 (ESV)
Your problems and issues that you face today are an opportunity to see the powerful hand of God manifest in your life. [Click To Tweet] God is waiting to give you strong support!

A Caution

While continuing to hope for God’s intervention, don’t become like your enemy. If the enemy slanders, you don’t go slandering back. Don’t act like how the enemy does.Soar above your situation. Don’t hurl back at the enemy what the enemy has thrown at you. You are more honorable than that. Expect God to fight your war. Guard your heart with love and humility and move on.
What opposition does to a child of God is beautiful. It keep us humble, grounded,focused and super-focused. It’s an opportunity to check and double-check, to be awake and not lethargic. God uses the enemy to cause us to become a better leader to create a greater impact for the Kingdom of God.
So then com’on let’s stop cribbing, let’s love some enemies and get some real work done.

What say?

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from Me ~~

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