
Saturday 3 November 2012

Bad news

Stealing . Burden . Hurts . 

This week was a rather bad week. In conjunction to the previous post about "Why Does God Let Your Enemies Survive", I could slowly see, how God interfere in problem which we humans can't even solve. My friend who I'm always with, came back from the holidays with quite a good mood, despite her result and all the past, she was able to come back to Uni with a positive view. Just when I step on the land of Kampar, she messaged me and ask if we could have a time of "chats". We went out and guess who we saw?? Her frenemy!! (something which I hope not to happen) Well it did, I can't deny that the way that girl acted that day was very hurtful, and in chinese people call it "Hen Qian Da" (I think that's what they call it) This was because dear frenemy had a very nice chat with my friend's BF, Yes Frenemy likes him too. 

From that day (2nd week of Uni), my friend obviously didn't like it and took it to heart and problems like, jealously, insecurity and also unable to BELIEVE each other. Honestly, I can't blame her BF because he really showed her that no matter what happens, she can believe him. Even he said, "Its Impossible that I would like her even if we break. And I won't allow us to break so easily". THERE, he said it already. Girls are just doing what they do best, THINK TOO MUCH :) The following week (week 3 Monday), Its time to know her results for appealing. Honestly speaking, I knew what was the outcome before she unseal the letter but its not nice to spoil a friend's hope. Well, she opened it and I was like "OH MAN!!! NOT ANOTHER REJECTION" At that moment I don't think she could take another bad news. If my heart dropped when i read the first line, I think hers was crushed. Her hope to be able to continue to stud ended with that letter. For the first time, being a noisy person, I don't know what to say. And I'm not sure if i should say anything.

As a Christian, I asked God in my heart "Isn't it suppose to be okay? Out of everything, why at this time? What am I suppose to say? Should I say something or just stay quiet?" We sat in front of FGO quietly for quite some time. And at the same time I was suppose to help Damon and Hansin with their recording. I really don't know which to choose. One side is my friend, another also, But if I help Damon, which her frenemy is also there, it just doesn't feel right. In the 10 minutes, I had to make decision in my heart and pray at the same time. When she started talking, I found myself saying "You know what? I'm going to help you find a way out. Don't worry. I'll help you. ". Hmmm, did i just get myself into another mess? When she look at me i knew she wanted to cry, so i took her to a place no one could see us, but I was still wondering if what I did was right. As I was walking, I heard God saying "Stay with her. I need you to stay with her". You can never say no to what God want you to do, but obey. 

That day, we went home at 9pm and all we could do is sleep. The next day, I was suppose to go and meet her in Uni but some how, I felt like I had to stay back and do something. I missed 3 buses and was talking to my hometown friend. True enough, I wasn't suppose to go. I was suppose to pray for her. Wendy went for class, so its the best time for me to pray. When i pray, I realize I didn't know what to pray because I dont know what's going on and how to describe this situation. I did a short prayer and I waited for God to say something. God showed me that my friend was in a position where, her hurts from the past was being kept and brought till now and she was all tied up with problems she couldn't let go. I continued praying for forgiveness, peace and being free from all those bondage. After that, i walk to my table and asked again what He wanted me to show her, God wants her to know that He died for her. As I close my eyes and continue seeking Him, I heard the word "enemy". Instantly I saw, the enemy stealing her love ones, finance, friends and even education. Then again I heard the word enemy. God said, the enemy is trying to stop you from talking to her. Well, stupid feller knows that he's in danger :p Good for you :) 

That night, Deriss and my dad kept asking me to share with her, because she wanted to see me but some how I felt like its not the time. Surprisingly the word "ENEMY" was referring to the same day (night). I tired to follow the flow like Deriss said, but she wasn't anywhere near my topic. Suddenly, she started shooting me back about the past, something about her bf,  how i dumped her and how sad she felt and everything. I really wanted to burst out in anger but I asked her 1 question "Do you think I knew you for a reason? You found me, not I find you." She was shock when i ask her that. She tried to avoid that question, I continued saying " Have you ever wondered why most of our situation are similar? ". Some how we got to a part where she ask me, " Is it you know something? Because you prayed for me?". She told me that she felt like i knew many things from the start just that I didn't want to say anything, she also mentioned about the enemy. Hehe!! Scary~~~ 

Some how we didn't touch that topic but I told her what i saw and heard. She told me that her sister once told her about this enemy and now he's really playing with her mind. She even say sometimes, she felt like " something" was telling her to be negative and all. Suddenly my mom called and she wanted to go back, but our convo did not end there, we went out for late dinner. After walking out she started about when she went home, she felt like something did not allow her to come out, ME TOO!!! But it was another time for bonding, we found out some stuffs and talk about it. And when we went home, we sat outside her house and look at the moon as she messaged her BF. (THEY ARE OKAY!! AS LOVING AS BEFORE). She sent me a short messaseg and i felt happy. It was just "Thank you". I feel what ever I've been doing, even sacrificing for her, was worth it. She doesn't express, but thank you is enough :) In fact, I also have to thank her, because i learnt a lot from her in return. 

Until today, bit by bit, good things are happening to her. 
   1. The rejection letter became, accepted
   2. Her relationship with her bf became better than before
   3. She doesn't really care about her frenemy who tries to annoy her
   4. Her assignment date was postponed because of her matter 
   5. She realize that she has more friends than she thought

And etc :)    

Even character wise, she was better, so that one of the reason why I could bare with her. Its not about the hard journey but its about the change you saw in a person, it means much more. Small changes, I should be happy or else how can big changes happen? 

I still have another 1 year plus with her, I really hope, that when we depart, she'll use what she has learnt to help others or be a better person :) 

Every Bad things that happen, doesn't mean its always bad till the end. The outcome is always shocking and unexpected :)

Hopefully, what I wrote here, can encourage anyone who ends up here, to continue to face the problems with a positive attitude. Look forward towards God's intervention in your problems.

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from me ~~  

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