
Saturday 3 November 2012

3rd November 2012

That significant time

For this past few days, I think I laughed and smiled TOO much, Its always before I sleep. Even when Deriss was here, she was supposed to be drunk and sleeping, instead, she woke up and ask "why are you still awake at this time". Well, HeHe, I've been talking to my long lost friend :) This blog has a new reader!! When I knew about it, I wasn't angry or what but the fact that the person that I've writing about IS READING!! I don't know what others might think, because some people wished that "he/she" would read it. I never thought that my friend could see it, because I actually wanted to tell Gloria about it, but I think I should have kept it to myself. The things I wrote was SUPER EMBARRASSING, because I knew no one would read, so I left it that way :p Well my friend, i think it was meant to be spoil :) 

Actually, when my friend told me, my heart stopped (as if I've committed a crime :p) because I have forgotten what I wrote. That time was thinking, "oh no, my friend read. what would happen". But since my friend said that it was a good thing, so I think its good la. I had certain questions written in one of the things I wrote and I was told that I could have the answers to it and gave me time to read back what I've wrote :p For my friend to see those two particular writings was certainly good, but its embarrassing for me. Imagine you writing one for me, secretly and suddenly I found out. Every word from your heart was known.

Last night, the stars looks like this.
 But not as much la. This is the milky way :)

I'm gonna write informally now :) 

I'm never good at expressing anything but I think I was happy that this blog was “spoiled”. How do I put this? Maybe It’s meant to be known? I’m really thankful that the person who I’m going through 3rd November was with you. I wouldn't dare to really say certain things but as time pass, I think it would be known :p Haha!! I don’t know what I’m saying now, coz all I could do is smile at what actually happened. It’s already, 2 years, plus, I guess?? Time really flies. I really enjoy what we’re doing now. And To me that prayer really meant a lot because it showed that you really want God to show us according to His time and you didn’t want to rush things. If things would be like what others expect, like make decision as if, it doesn't mind, I really don’t think I can be ready for anything. Yea, don't let things happen too fast. So that’s one thing. 

That prayer was sort of a new commitment to God. Leaving everything to him, allowing Him to be the core of everything, allowing Him to be in charge of the timing and Be our guide. Like for the FIRST time, we actually prayed together?? It sounds weird but its..... NICE J I get to do it with someone who cares about what is there. It’s a new date, with a new prayer and commitment?? I don’t know how we can end up talking about this but I’m glad we did, since its the world’s hardest topic, agree? I teared up because I was very thankful to God that you did not push things but taking it slow, I don't know I'm just shock and happy at the same time. Erm, having someone to do this thing is not easy, most of them would skip this part, and this part is actually the most important part, to me la, hehe. 

You answered that funny question last time and now for you to answer my stupid questions was really nice. Well, it’s very nice of you and I never thought you would because it’s so hard for even me to say it. I think it would have taken me a long time (days) to say something like that. The first question, when there was a "NO", I was actually like, "okay" because I expected it to be that way. Hehe. Who knows, Its the opposite!! Hahaha!! And the 2nd question, I like your answer. That's actually what I prayed for also and I believe in it.

Let's just continue what God had done so far, so that It would be like a testimony for the future youths?? Something that they would look up too and not follow the worldly ways. Especially people like Sam, Abi, Chris and more.

I actually wrote this very long ago, its just that, I don't know if its what I wanted to say or write. Even until today, i keep editting it :p Anticipating huh?? hehe


I truly believe when you allow God to be in charge of everything things would turn out good even if you think its bad. Why not pray and wait?? This way has always been the safest way but people tend to follow their heart, which always bring disappointment. Just wait and you'll see. The special time for you will come ;) Not kidding. Start praying and be patient.

God's promise has always been the best

~~ God Bless ~~

~~Loves From Me~~

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