
Wednesday 30 January 2013


This actually reminds me of an email that I read. When this group of people was about to go out for a prayer walk or drive i think, i'm not sure, God told them to stay in the church to set their hearts right before Him. Because if their hearts are not right, how can they bring people in. 

Same happened to our church but different scenario. We were about to have our "Welcoming Night" for those who are new in kampar, which means we are to go out and meet new people and bring them. A week ago, we had prayer meeting, it was lead by Deriss and we only had about 3 people, Deriss, Lydia and myself. We had something I call, worship prayer, where we play worship songs as we pray our own. 

The reason I did it this way was because:
Last year, during prayer meeting, I realize people do want to worship God but sometimes, they tend to compare themselves with others. "They sing so well", "I can't sing as passionate as them" or " They can pray so loud" " I have no confidence at all".

So one day when Victor, Lydia and I were having dinner before prayer meeting, we met a guy who was spiritually lost. Speaking to him was really a challenge for us, whether it was language, thinking, believes or even level of understanding. This guy was rather unfortunate in his life as he stopped studying after form 3 or 5. And he could only speak Cantonese or Manderine. It came to a point where Victor and Lydia, had no way to convince him and he turned to me. 

Being an english speaking person, it was REALLY hard, i tried my best speaking in manderine with him, some how he understand me. Then I found out that he could speak cantonese, which I THINK I'm better at :p It was still hard, since i don't know what Holy Spirit, Faith, guidance and more biblical words was called in chinese. Some how I manage to convinced him. And he quietly told me he had a bag full of all different religion's talisman. And he told us he would like to join our prayer meeting, but it was already 9pm. 

Then ask we were walking, I was asking God to protect us as were trying to do our best to turn away from those talisman. Then he walk towards me and continued our conversation. Lydia and Victor went to open the church lights and doors, right when I was one step away from the entrance, the minute I said " You enter first, kai ming" I felt a hard push from in front of my head, my back was facing the staircase, Thank God I didn't fall back wards. 

After awhile, I felt something was not right because I felt very uncomfortable, so I prayed and it struck me about the talisman he showed me before. Just when he was at the back by his own, I told Victor and Lydia that we had to pray. After praying, Kai ming came out and he had to go back, so we prayed for him and he left. 

Something was still not right, but Three of us carried on our weekly routine after prayer, JAMMING XD But this time Victor showed another side of him, who we never saw before. Singing from his heart, so as both of them were singing using the mics, I quietly plugged in my phone and played worship songs. Then I was hoping they could have a time of their own with God. And they did, they lied down and sang and even cried. And when we sang, the church was like totally cleansed, I felt the opposite of before. We did that until 1am. 

I rather waste my time, for my members to grow closer to God rather than doing other things which doesn't bare fruits at all. Then I realize, prayer could be another way, as in conducting it. And maybe because its all UNI peeps praying and their not regular prayer. So... hehe..

They needed to get reconnected to God which is back to basics. Prayer, Its all between them and God. They have to start initiating TAWG. Coz If there's no connecting with God, its like there's not line in life. Get what I mean?? haha!!

As I was saying, So this year, Deriss handled our first prayer meeting and I told her about what I thought, So we went with the idea. But we called it seeking Him on our own, COP theme of the year.

True enough during prayer, the word SEEK kept appearing to Deriss and I. And it was telling our church to seek Him more and don't worry about the number of people coming. Because when we seek Him with a right heart, He will bring people, they will come automatically. 

Guess what?? We had people, coming to us asking about AOG church, and HERE WE ARE!! And some we meet at CF welcoming night, even if its one guy, but he found us first, he came to us. And that AOG guy is bringing 3 more friends. Even though, we tried very hard to find people around us, but God keeps bringing people who we DON'T KNOW, as in NEW people. 

I'm happy and glad, not because of the numbers but how God make things happen, I can just see it and its a wonder how they came to us. Deriss and I fasted and prayed and We're very Thankful for what God had brought to us. Even if at the end of the day, they're not joining our church, its okay, it the following up and fellowshiping that matters. As long as they attend other church, we are happy. Its like building a bridge for them to cross?? Is that what they call?? Haha!!  

Well, go back to basic in knowing God. Through prayer and TAWG. So What are you waiting for?? Wanna see great things happen, you gotta seek God more :) 

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from Me ~~


  1. Mat 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

    1. I was looking for this verse, but I kept seeing the other one. Guess what? Yesterday around 10 ppl came for our welcoming night and they're joining our church :) Hehe!! Really Thank God!

    2. Praise God for that. U will be a blessing to them :)

    3. Yeap, I pray that they'll be a blessing to the church. You'll also be a blessing to Powerhouse :)
