
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Theme of the year - - - -> S.E.E.K

Our hand made Logo :)  Thanks to Deriss

                           S - Salvation
                           E - Enthroned
                           E - Entrust
                           K - Keeper of God's promises

30 January 2013:

Another prayer meeting that God showed us alot. He spoke to Deriss and I. I understand how it feels when God say, "Go and tell" but you're not sure, and it keeps coming. And He even showed me how Simeon was in pain, I literally left the heart ache and tears bursting out but cannot show la, coz don't wanna scare him. And God told Deriss and I that He wants us or someone to increase their capacity, because He wants us to serve and serve even more. Taking the leadership. He also said, " tell them to seek me, seek me, because I'm a merciful God". He wants us to go to him regardless of our situation. 

Everyone's life isn't always prefect, that's the reason why we need to seek God, because we all know, that seeking Him is always the best way. You may think that what you're doing now in church is too much to handle, God is telling you NO. Because You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. Its only when you do it with your strength, you go weary and frustrated. 

God has His reasons to why, He's asking you to do more than you think you can, because He knows your limits, which means you CAN. You can manage it :) 

Even if right now, you're in the middle of trying to make things right and hoping there will be a change, start by seeking the Lord, He has His ways different things. If it means to submit, then submit, because He has others plans for you. Don't be discourage but be happy because He has greater plans for you in the place where you are now ;) 

Don't give up on anything God has entrusted you to serve at, continue to serve obediently and submitting, You'll see how God increase your capacity in serving Him. Hope you get what I meant :p Have a great day!

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from Me ~~ 

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