
Tuesday 5 February 2013


 “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward Him” 2 Chronicles 16:9 (ESV)

I remember Shyju mathew said that:

While continuing to hope for God’s intervention, don’t become like your enemy. If the enemy slanders, you don’t go slandering back. Don’t act like how the enemy does.Soar above your situation. Don’t hurl back at the enemy what the enemy has thrown at you. You are more honorable than that. Expect God to fight your war. Guard your heart with love and humility and move on.

Waiting alone will not do, it comes along with prayer and seeking God. I dare say, I'm not consistent in praying for my friend because I often felt discourage. But the more I worry for her, the more I ask God to help her. I don't want to be selfish, even though sometimes, I ask God why is she always gaining attention about how pity she is and stuff when people don't know the actual problem. I always ask God why not let them know how she is, but God seem to always want me to stay humble, blameless and also patience. There was a point where it was too much that, I personally felt like, I lost my patience in anything. I get irritated very easily, because she's always there to complain about her life. 

The beginning of this year, I realize that I would have lesser time to be with her because of our timetable and our difference in student status. Unfortunately, I didn't wanna stop talking to her and helping her with things she had been going through, I kept telling God I don't mind, even though at times I really can't stand her words. True enough, I'm now free from all these, "consultation hour" because, my friend is changing her course, she can't continue to be with me, under finance. When she message me about her application results, my heart dropped as I ask God not to play, because its not a joke. I found myself, crying and tell God not to let her go so easily because my job with her isn't done yet. 

Just when I saw her, she smiled, I realized that she changed in terms of the way she handled her emotions and decision wise. She was more relieved and happier when she saw me waiting for her outside. Her smile was really a smile, I've never seen her smile like that in 3 years. I was overjoyed when she told me she had an answer, even though her application is applied, she was positive and confident in making her decision. After helping her with the letter and meeting the Dean of studies, we went and meet our favorite lecturer, Miss Teoh :) She's like a parent to us, who advises us. She is the person who God sent to speak to my friend, because as a friend, what I say might not be impactful to her, but if its someone with authority and elder in age with experience, it would make a difference. 

I was very happy, that Miss Teoh mentioned about my friend's "INDIVIDUALISTIC" attitude that bothered her. She said, "you're a person who had your own thinking and wants people to follow you. If  people don't talk to you, you'll say they ignore you. This is cause friendship to break because you push they to the edge. When people talk, and the topic doesn't suits you, you will keep quiet hoping that they'll change the topic. When got any problem, you want your friend to come and talk to you first or say sorry. People like this usually, I'll give 3 chances max, then I'll just leave them but Sara did not."

Honestly, I was shock and my tears came out, because someone finally knew how I felt as a friend beside her, all the times that we argued about how she blamed others and not herself and how she said i left her. I never did, and the fact that when she was wrong and she didn't want to admit she just said "okay lo, everything also I wrong okay? Okay?!" To me its a way of pushing it aside, hiding away from her mistakes. Everything I do, its because of her action and her expression that I didn't want to disturb her but leave her alone. Now, that Miss Teoh mentioned about it, my friend was able to see that this is really  who she was, keeping herself closed up and if she don't like one thing, she'll never try to like it, same goes to her studies. 

We had 3 meeting with our lecturer and it was such a time, that it was enough to wake her up from her mindset. I now understand when God said wait, wait for him to intervent this problem. And just when I thought, I have nothing to do for God after this friend, last night, I realize I met this junior (lai ping) of mine for a reason as well. She came to me last Thursday, and she followed me for our welcoming night, so we decided to meet up on monday (last night). That was the time, the word "spending time" was very clear to me as we were having our dinner. After awhile, we came into a serious topic about her mom who passed away and her dad. She also talked about how hurt she was that she failed all her subject during her 1st semester in degree. I was glad that her problem in her relationship, I was able to relate with her and she is really hungry for the answer. 

After knowing that my house had a blackout because of the overflowing water from the water tank above Mimi's room and we all have to shift out for a night, some for a week or two. Lai pig was with me because we were talking at the lake side, so we were also talking in the dark for 2hrs until my roommate came home, because I had to go to Deriss' place to take a bath and probably sleep there, but she fell and sprained her leg so she was at the hospital, so Lai ping ask me to stay with her since she likes to listen to my stories. She's very nice and naive like a small girl. Well, I hope I can do my best to help her while I'm still here. If it wasn't because I went to FGO I wouldn't have seen her and she can't tell her problems to anyone. I think she felt that she finally found someone, a christian who she can talk to after so long, because as she talked to me, her tears was there, waiting to flow down. Thank God, my job for my friend is actually done, now its Lai ping :) Better kau tim myself before I kau tim others XD 


~~ God Bless ~~

~~ Loves from Me ~~ 


  1. You are being such a blessing. Not only to both of them but to anyone who reads this as well. I'm so encouraged. Keep it up as Rom 1:12 says "that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith." Continue to encourage anyone with ur faith. You are a great testimony to many people and I'm sure you will be rewarded in abundance. God bless :)

  2. All this gotta Thank God, cause without Him, I don't think I would be able to help them in anyways. I'm glad that I can share what I've gone through, which in returns encouraged you as well. That's the reason of this blog, hoping that who ever sees this will be encouraged. Nah, together we will all be a great testimony to many people around us :) Cause certain things I share with them comes from people I know. Let's continue to work for God with an open heart ;) Knowing that you're encouraged, encourages me in return, Thank you. God bless you too.
