
Sunday 3 February 2013


When you're away all people do is doubt

If you love someone more than anything, 
Then distance only matters to the mind,
not to the heart
Distance between two hearts isn't an obstacle,
rather a beauty reminder of just how strong true love can be  


1 CORINTHIANS 13: 4 - 8

" Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
 it keeps no records of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues,
 they will be stilled; where there is knowledge,
it will pass away."

I think a healthy relationship always makes you realize what God has done all this while. Its not about how good you feel, but its just how God made it happened. Imagine without Him, this wouldn't be anything special or you'll end up having a very saddening relationship. 

Erm, its not that i'm in love XD I wont say love cause I think I'm far away from love? I don't know, God knows, let time show. But its truly God's blessing that I'm who I am and the way I look at relationships or anything, this all comes from seeking the Lord and asking Him to guide you in this relationship which you had no idea of. Though I'm not in any REAL relationship but I'm happy with what I'm going through, its more like a time to know what we really see in a relationship and knowing my friend better before going into something deeper.

I think its not a must for a person to always be there because for me one special day that sums up everything will be very meaningful, like now. Because, you'll be talking about what happened, how were you and all. Its more like another time of sharing, listening and keeping up. Well, after a long time of disappearance, when you start talking to that person, you feel more... I don't know how to describe it, but its more than before, because you miss the person? :p 

Now, I'm rational enough but I REALLY hope, I'm still like this in future, i'm scared that I'm just gonna be like other girls, which i feel its annoying and childish. I hope what I'm about to go through will be different enough that its gonna be a thing to be shared to all my friends :) Lord, help me to be different, cause we're called to be different.

Its actually weird how things just have to happen, to see how you actually feel about someone, right? I didn't know until... hehe!! Secret :p Really, thank God that each time I pray, there's always a way out. Like calling, If it wasn't for long lost friend who went and find some random photo to create a convo, I think, it would have been a sad birthday for someone, and I would feel bad and regret it. Honestly, I'm not a person who normally show stuffs, and its some how bad i think, people, wouldn't know how i feel or what i'm thinking. Its good that my friend initiated the convo and ask me again, or else, its gonna be harder for me to start any convo in future :) 

I'm also happy that we're able to share and talk about things, so there's nothing to hide, like some people, you can't mention this person's name, or talk about this and that. This friend doesn't mind and in return, listened to me even though he can't help me, but it did, to me its like you cared about what happened and tried helping. And i like how it turned out to be something funny XD 

Its those little things about this person that made me.... Hahahaha!! Just fill up those blanks yourself :p And I really like listening to stories about my friend and random jokes, doesn't have to be a good one, but since i don't know jokes, everything would be funny to me :) Out of so many years and people i know, FINALLY SOMEONE HAS THE SAME THINKING AS ME. If there's no similarities in what we think, its gonna be hard, I don't think I'll even start anything cause they won't understand what i mean. Oh well, who cares!! My friend DOES ;) Can I say that, anyone who knows this friend is very fortunate? hehe, really, not kidding :p 

Oh man, I gotta stop SOON. Well, this sums up everything about last week, all that I learned and saw. Trust in the Lord and Submit your relationship to God because He wants to be involve in anything that you're in :) I'm truly blessed and happy to meet my friend, if God allows, I would want it to go further and really be my 1st and last. Good night :)  

~~ God Bless ~~
~~ Loves from Me ~~

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