
Friday 24 August 2012

Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Time . Chat . Life . GOD

I always believe in quality time spent with dearest friends. 
I really thank God that even when I couldn't have one with my dearest,
 CHANGES, Daphne, Yee Mun, Quincy, Ann, or Some other hometown besties, 
I still can have one here. 

Just like today I was able to hang out with Deriss, Genesis and Lydia. 
One of my closest friends in COP other than 
Twinkle(Caroline) and Zi yin :)
 *cannot for get them, funny people* 

I like the time spent where we could talk about our past, experience, our spiritual life, 
You know, to some how catch up with one another. 
We should do it more often :)
 FUN!! Its very encouraging to share with them your encounters with God
Makes you wanna share and listen attentively :)    

In few hours time, I'll be going to Old town to catch up with Yu han.
Bank, clothes, food, and some stuffs
I realize, too close isn't the solution,
But giving space to one another and allowing both sides to breath
Is sort of the best way to get our mind
off our current problem

It some how became something that has just passed or VANISHED!!
In an blink of an eye :)

Allowing God to speak to you and also work in you is another story
Only when you allow, He can work in you.
I really want God to slap me on the face as a wake up call,
REALLY NEED THAT!! *red alert*

Sometimes I even pray that God will not stop showing more of Himself to me
In the end, i found myself closing up to such things:

1. If i want God to work in my life, I should allow and anticipate change and transformation

2. Willing to change because He is the best way.

3. Seek ye first the kingdom of God

4. Be obedient 

5. Be still and know that He is God

6. Never Doubt

7. Never failing Faithfulness in Him

8. Pray and accept

9. Dream BIG even during prayer

10. Ask for visions when we pray and never be afraid because He is Almighty  

[saying that we are all humans, is not an excuse, in fact when Jesus came down in flesh He was human as well, if He can why not us? Truly we can do the same because he says
John 5: 19 "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself;, he can do only what he sees
 his Father doing, because 
what ever the Father does the son also does"]  

P/S: trying to pull myself together and be ready to seek God and face my final exam.
I have to settle the spiritual part of me 1st, call me superstitious
but, Its important to me.
It's part of me, my life and everything that's in it. 
Gotta find back the passion and hunger for His word and the purpose.
Its has to be clear and not blur.

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all you 
heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all of your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight."

~~ God Bless~~
~~Loves from me~~

Thursday 23 August 2012


Food poisoning

Yesterday i had food poisoning, YEAP!! 
It was seriously TORTURE. 
The pain from the stomach just continues to my bones and the sides of my body.
Never, i repeat NEVER try this.

You'll Suffer!
Got an injection, i thought it was a joke from the doctor.
I thought he asked me to lie down on the bed since i was struggling with the pain, there it goes
JAP!!! OUCH!!! 

I nearly teared, but then, the pain that i had was WAY
worst than that small needle.
At that time I wish the doctor would try my version of JAPS.
Then i wanna see the look on his face :p
And tell him the same words 
"Nah, its just what she's feeling now, she'll thank me"

Oh yea, I manage to upload my new cover, BUT
Time and all doesn't allow me to practice and all, so it turn out kinda weird :p
This time it was a Chinese song, 
Voon qian got me addicted to the song, but i Liked it, so i covered it and Yea!!

There goes another embarrassment.
Well, to every success,
 there's always a point of embarrassment that we all have to face.
So here goes nothing 
*hitting upload button* 

Done with my summary
Off to get ready for church
Singing for Daddy J tonight :

* Hosanna
* Here I am to worship (fav)
* Happy Day ;)

God Bless
~~Loves from Me~~

Thursday 16 August 2012


Reminiscing on the experience I encountered : Part 3

Joy to the world

On 22nd November 2011:

It was the day that we have prepared to meet for hours, days, and months. Yes “Joy to the World”, our Christmas Drama. It was a very exciting thing to able to be part of it. The reason why I was involved was because I want to help them because they have insufficient people. I ended up dancing, because I can’t act, choir was full. I told m self that I’m using my talent to bless them. I was worried that the dance that I’m about to learn was beyond what I can do. Thank God I was able to master them. I have problem in walking and I was shy to dance that step. On that night the Lord really helped me a lot. Before I went on stage, I prayed   that the Lord would dance with me, making every move His and doing it for Him. I also ask him to do it through me so that I know that it’s because of Him I was so good.

The music was played earlier and we were shock. But we ended well. Thank God. People enjoyed every part of it. When it came to the scene where I have to dance, I was afraid that I can’t balance properly and I would dance wrongly. There was a radio in front me, and a mic stand beside me. I did not know what to do. I just continue dancing. Miraculously, I felt like i have to look down and turn, and there I saw the radio. The actors saw me avoiding it quickly. And when I’m supposed to walk back, I felt like I have to look behind, there the mic stands are. I manage to keep my distance away from all these props that was not supposed to be there.  I really that God that, He was really with me, He made my mistakes clean and He enable me to dance with the radio in front of me and the mic stand behind me. If it wasn’t for Him I would be a mess and the audience would be able to spot that there’s a problem.

Somehow, I know it was God, there’s no way I could dance that well. It was God who gave me the talent and it was Him that made it prefect. I always dreamt to be able to express well during dancing and able to be different with other. There it was Jesus helped me to fulfil it. Ada asked me “do you consider taking up dance lessons?”  I was seriously shock because she could see what I wanted to show and what God had given me. I was happy that she said that. But I felt sorry to my dad that, I said “he doesn’t encourage us to dance”.

Things that I have been praying and asking God to make it happen just happened in a blink of an eye. Lord sorry that at times I gave up on my dreams. I’m very happy that you gave me the opportunity to use my talent for you. All Glory to YOU!!!!

Really thank you Jesus, without YOU, I don’t know what would happen. Even If I did great, but I didn’t do it because of you, to me, it would be meaningless. But now doing it with you and achieving it in partnership with you is a great achievement and accomplishment. Use me more for your Kingdom. But Lord does not forget about my academic results. I want to do more for you and also do better in my studies.

Actions speak more than words

"I am is the way, the truth and the life, no one goes to the Father but through  ME"

Holy is the Lord, God Almighty 

God Bless
~~ Loves from me ~~


Reminiscing on the past: Part 2

Name as a back bone to my school

On 15th Nov 2011:
I was supposed to have an impromptu (mock) presentation tomorrow but because I wanted to make it spontaneous so I did not prepare for it. The night before it, I was having practice for the upcoming Christmas drama. When I came back I was so tired, I grab my bible and then  I took out my book “my stories with Jesus”,  I wanted to write something but because I was thinking about my presentation tomorrow and I don’t know what I should talk about. I realize that i wrote this on my book:

That was what I wrote, then, I read my bible, prayed and slept. The next morning, my 1st class was Eng for Management (mock presentation). I was not nervous in fact I was nervous for my other presentation which is 3 hours after this class. I met Chloe and went in the class together. After sitting down, Chee Siang came in. After some time, my tutor started calling random names. Then she mentioned who would like to like to come out without her calling names. Deep in me I wanted to go out but I was shy about what I’m about to say. When I told Chee Siang my topic, he was shock. But I felt great instead. Hahahaha. Then i realize my topic has to be related to business. 1st I couldn’t remember the title of my topic, I only remembered “Me” as the first word but I do know roughly what it is about. I really wanted to talk about it, I want to talk about how great my name is and about Jesus. Then I had a sudden click in my mind, “My name is the backbone to my Business”. Instantly it became my topic’s title.

It was a challenge for me, because i don’t know if my classmates would like to listen or they might think I’m racist. Chee Siang and I made a deal that if I would volunteer, he would do the same after me. So I did like what I said, I raised my hands “Miss, I....” As everyone looked at me, thinking I’m so daring and who am I. I started with, “As a Christian my name has meaning, that is why my name is the backbone to my business, a school that I want to open in future”. Everyone’s eyes were wide open because of the title of my presentation. After finishing what I said, everyone was amazed with what I said and I was happy that I am able to show who I am and Jesus. If I did not do it, I would feel bad because it’s as if I’m shy of Jesus, which I’m not.

I felt like I accomplished something. It was nice to talk about Jesus in front of the class and people were amazed by this small girl. Thank God!

After many days have passed, it’s already 23rd November 2011, a day after the Christmas Drama. As I was telling my dad about how the Lord our God helped me during the drama, I try to think back why “Sara”. Then I remember writing a story called “Once Upon a December”. There I wrote about 3 siblings who are named, Simon, Sara and Samuel. I used my brother’s names and mine as well because I can’t think of names. Our names ended up to be a constant character. God used them according to their names given. Simon was chosen by God to do great things like Simon Peter. Sara opened a school of arts where it’s for those who are abandoned and to polish their talents. This school has many different kinds of people. Last but not least, Samuel was called by God to do great things for Him.  Take a look at what I originally wrote in my book, which I’ve never looked at since the day I wrote on it :

My name is the backbone to my Business

Sara, that’s my name
As a Christian, my name has a meaning that I’ve never thought it would be me.

I always visualize myself opening a school of arts, which is under my church. The reason why this school is open, it’s because i want to bring and teach, also to love those who are abandon by society and family. Old or Young as Long as you have a heart you can be here.

From there they will be taught to study and polish their talents. Children are the most important person.
“Alpha and Omega Academy”
Sara = Mother of all nation


Well previously God showed me that people who will help me build this school are them. We call our self powerhouse because according to Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" :

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Powerhouse @ MTYF Youth Concert

Now these group of youngsters are off to Cambodia to bless those people there with what God has given to them. They'll be a blessing to many as they spread the GOOD NEWS. 

God Bless
~~ Loves from me~~


Reminiscing on those memory: Part 1

             6.00 am

I could sit there and reminisce on the past 1 year,
We talked about how it all started and it made me laugh, I’m sure you too
I think I can do this all day, but one day of precious 6am after a long time is enough

As time flies, I find myself starting to really like you,
 All the late night chats allows me to know you more
Sometimes it amazed me, for who you are,

I want to know if that’s what you think too
Because it means the world to me
You’re all I think about when sit on table every night

One day I realize he’s all that I’ve prayed for
Never had I thought about it, I wonder did he?
It all happened so fast that he was always there
Thank God for him

I never thought anyone would wait for a person like me
When he did, it made me feel like “there is still someone”
How God made things happen, it amazed me
We decided to pray that if it’s true

Thank God that we’re not like others
They text and we don’t
They call and we don’t
One thing that we had is the precious 6am

I’ve always thank God for knowing him
For some reason I felt happy about it
I would just continue to pray about us
Even if it’s a no, I would thank God and him

For it was a memory that I could tell a story off
Because to everyone, there is this someone for you
So just wait for that beautiful moment to come
And you will know.

That’s my precious 6am story J

p/s: I dont think its a poem, song or something. Random thoughts of it.

God Bless
~~ Loves from me~~

Flashback :)

Reminiscing on those memory

I'll be talking about these few people in my life for these pass few days or hours

My church member, friends, buddies, and crazy people:

B2 and the monkey guys

The small kids off to Cambodia

Darren excitedly pose before going on the plane

The CHANGES!! Love this family. Especially those 4 girls, they're like my sisters.
Oh , Uncle Daniel and Aunt Rachel!! Lovely parents, Cool ones actually ;)


Monday 13 August 2012

Building Trust

Building + Trust

Its not easy to build trust especially when a person lied to you like a MILLION time, 
Okay, maybe i'm exaggerating but yea, SEVERAL times and they added
the word "I don't know if you believe me but i don't admit
that i said that".
In other words, its like swearing that they didn't and we did not trust them and it hurts them.

Goodness Gracious!!! It hurts us more when you come back after an hour or two 
just to say "opps, i guess i did say that but you can't blame me"  OR 
"I didn't mean it that way" OR!!!! "you must be sleeping, you look tired".

GOSH!!! Its in the morning, how on earth can you say I'm sleeping?? 
Its either you're a bad lier, pushing it to others or you're trying to change the subject.
Do you have friends like that?
Does it only happens to girls?? 

Trust isn't easily gained, but its hard to gain TRUST.
I might be easily influenced when that person change to be good but some how
that pinch or a hole is already there. 
Then again, I'm the one who has to do this

This is what it's called "BUILDING TRUST"

Yup, Building trust. Its not easy though, Its not something that you can just "SNAP" your finger
and then "BOOM!!" it's done, you guys are friends back.

Even like today one of my buds kinda hid something from me and me scolding her wasn't really
nice or something i should go "HURRAH!!" for. Its very hard to tell
a person that they are wrong, especially those who 
thinks that they're "open-minded"
Wrong thing to do when you have a friend like that :p

Until the end of our conversation i realize i could change her way of thinking, neither can i tell her off.
I decided to just listen and just be a friend. She's getting more and more scary
Her emotions, doings, words, are all inconsistent because she's unpredictable.
Once, she said i abandoned and kept shooting her with words because I was wrong and it was MY problem.

I never told her the real problem doesn't mean i must be the cost of everything.
One thing that she said really hurts me and told me that she's not changing was this:
"I told JH about the was you treated me but he supported you and said that i was sensitive, but now i know
it wasn't be, it was you". Take note that, JH is her BF.

Sometimes i feel like I'm like a punching bag for her or even some tree with hole.
where she can just burst when ever she wants and then
when problem strikes, SARA!!! is the
problem or SARA help me. I don't do these kind of things but i do cause she's my friend.
Doing things without asking for a return sometimes means sacrificing 
maybe a little bit of pain and tears,
It would be a nice thing to smile at when one day, you look back, and see the difference in a person,
and was all because you have put in effort and tears to help her or him to be a better person.
What a great JOY :)
Of course, we can't change people only GOD can. 

I'm leaving these things behind, waiting for GOD to be the bridge and solution to things,
its out of my control and I think I might spoil it if I'm
gonna interfere. 

I really hope and pray that this friend of mine, is able to find who she truly is, changes for the better.
Not forgetting that others are just as important not only those who has
background stories. Love one another equally.

I trust in this, because its EVERLASTING. Through HIM, miracles and wonders happens,
the impossible becomes possible to those who believe.
Blessing you with a word if you face
something like me :)

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

God bless
~~ Loves from me :) ~~

Sunday 12 August 2012



I was asked to write a blog and honestly I didn't see the importance of writing one, since I'm not much of a writer or some person with GOOD English.
There are some reasons why i started writing:
1. Privacy
2. Way of showing my feelings or thoughts
3. ( can't think of any YET)

I guess mainly was because lately I've been facing lots and lots of what we all call "friend" problems. It always happens when its time for assignments or when one is jealous. 

These are some of those who are my friends

This is another picture of us
I really enjoy being with them, all the laughter and crazy talk we can get in to at times.
 BUT *a big one uh?? :) Everyone is imperfect though *
We're in a journey to find more about ourselves, studies, relationships (not me of course :p) and our future.
That's all for this time :) 
P/s: Dejavu. Its like I've seen this part of my blog before :)

God Bless! 
Loves from me :) 

Can you see what its written? Its taken from the clouds in Kampar.
He's just awesome when He does things :)